Elections for Mercosur MPs officially suspended


The Government today called for the holding of primary, open, simultaneous and mandatory elections for the election of candidates for the presidency, the vice presidency, the senators and the national deputies. August 11 and in the general election of October 27, while he understood according to a recent resolution of this bloc trade policy, "it is not appropriate to convene the electorate" to vote in the elections of the Mercosur members.

By Decree 343, published today in the Official Journal, the government has called for the holding of presidential and legislative elections, both for PASO, and in the general elections, to be held on October 27, all by fixing the date of the election on 24 November. presidential

Regarding the renewal of the 43 parliamentarians of Mercosur, the decree states that "under the joint declaration on the functioning of the Parliament of Mercosur of April 16, 2019, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, which suspends provisions of the constitutive protocol of the Mercosur Parliament regarding the direct election of parliamentarians, it is not appropriate to call the electors of the Nation to vote in this category ".

In this regard, he argues that "the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the Coordination Secretariat of the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing has retained the intervention of its jurisdiction".

As a result, the government has called for the August 11th STEP, and the call extends to the presidential elections of October 27th, the same day as the senators and the national deputies, in the same positions as for the primaries.

The decree signed by President Mauricio Macri establishes that, as is customary in all national elections, the Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing (of Rogelio Frigerio), by the Ministry intermediary of the National Elections Directorate, which adopts the "necessary measures for the organization and implementation" of the elections.


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