Elections in America: Joe B’s response …


The Democratic Candidate Campaign Joe biden considered “scandalous” the self-proclamation of Donald trump as the winner of the elections in the United States. He warned that the President’s attempt to stop the vote count is “unprecedented” and that Democrats’ legal team “ready to act” before any attempt to resolve the elections by judicial means. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also criticized Trump.

“They were scandalous because it is a attempt to take democratic rights away from American citizensJen O’Malley Dillon, campaign manager for the Democratic nominee, said of Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that Democrats are stealing his election and that he would go to the Supreme Court for it.

O’Malley Dillon came out at Trump’s crossroads with a statement in which he stressed that the president’s attitude is unprecedented. “Never before in our history has a president of the United States tried to strip Americans of their voice in a national election,” said the text signed by Biden’s campaign manager.

“After urging to avoid the legal counting of ballots before election day, Trump now says that these ballots also cannot be counted after election day,” O’Malley Dillon added and assured that the count “it will not stop” and continue “until every duly cast vote has been counted.

“Trump is not deciding the outcome of this election. Biden does not decide the outcome of this election. The Americans decide the outcome. The democratic process must continue and will continue until its end“he added.

The Democratic statement reinforces the line Biden himself opened, when, in his bunker, he called on his supporters Sunday night to “be patient” and was convinced his campaign was “on the way to winning the election.”

“We knew this was going to happen for a long time, but we are on course to win this election,” the Democratic candidate said in a short speech to a group of supporters. “We feel confident we’re still in the race in Georgia. It will take time, but we’ll win in Pennsylvania, and we’re optimistic in Wisconsin and Michigan,” said the former vice president. These three states are critical to the end result and there the vote count could take several days.

At that point, Trump had not declared himself the winner, but Democrats already suspected he would do what he ultimately did. “It’s not for Trump to say who won this election, it’s a decision of the American people,” Biden warned..

Ocasio-Cortez’s criticism of Trump

“Donald Trump’s declaration of untimely victory is illegitimate, dangerous and authoritarian,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a brief social media post minutes after the president assured in a speech that he had won the election with the vote still in progress. .

“Count the votes. Respect the results,” added the young woman, who represents the New York boroughs of the Bronx and Queens and who was re-elected.


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