Elections in Bolivia: call for a demonstration …


The national coordinator for change (Conalcam) in Bolivia met with President Evo Morales and called for demonstrations to defend the outcome of the elections for the re-election of the president. Last night, the president exceeded ten points of difference that Carlos Mesa must eliminate.

Leaders of government-related organizations have ensured that Morales won the first round and awarded Mesa the acts of violence perpetrated on Monday night.

"Faced with this victory, the right is trying to hit hard," said the sector release. "The assessment has been profound, we can not accept that they do not know the vote of the rural area, the peasant, the native, confusing the population and trying to show that there had been fraud, "said chief Juan Carlos Huarachi.


Morales reached last night the percentage needed to be re-elected in the first round. The official page of the electorate said Tuesday around noon that 95.63% of the minutes had already been verified. Opponents continue to shake the ghost of the fraud.

I have followed the exam in Bolivia

The presidential elections held last Sunday opened an internal crisis due to the suspension of the loading of data on election night, when Morales did not exceed 50% of the membership or the difference exceeded 10 points, conditions necessary for the election. take the first round.

Last night, the authorities reactivated the data load. The scenario was transformed and placed Morales at the virtual winner of the first round for only one tenth.


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