Elections in Bolivia: Evo Morales offers the OAS …


From La Paz

As the vote count continues, confirming Evo Morales' victory in the first round, the Bolivian electoral process enters the second phase. It is a party on the diplomatic field, where parties, the government and the opposition have started moving their pieces to seek international support. Foreign Minister Diego Pary announced yesterday at a press conference: "We handed Washington an official note to OAS do an audit and check the minutes one by one … "The announcement was made after the president had met several diplomats in the House of Commons – the seat of government – and uttered words similar to those of his Minister of Foreign Affairs. "Audit, I have nothing to hidewe do not need the help of anyone.

Citizen of the community, the strength that has been attributed to the vote has not neglected his contacts with foreign representatives. On his Twitter account, the candidate Carlos Mesa commented: "I met with the ambassadors of the European Union, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Denmark, the United States, and the United States. Italy and Spain, as well as those sent as observers to the elections last Sunday, my arguments on the fraud carried out by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal ".

The process is also closely monitored by the United States, which, through its embassy in Bolivia, said: "We will work with the international community to ensure that all those who weaken Bolivia's democratic institutions are responsible for their actions. We reject any attempt at violence and call on all parties to resolve the situation by peaceful means. "Also, the European Union "The unexpected interruption of the counting of electronic voting after the first round of general elections in Bolivia has raised serious doubts, that should be clarified immediately." The text was read by the head of the EU delegation in Bolivia, Jörg Schreiber.

The escalation of the conflict resulted in an extraordinary session of the OAS to be held this Wednesday. It will be "to examine the situation in Bolivia" exclusively and will be developed "at the request of the Permanent Missions of Bolivia. Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, United States and Venezuela", Said Cruz's newspaper The duty.

The diplomatic party played by the government and the opposition does not allow distractions on the home front. MAS and the Community have begun to use antidotes to counter street demonstrations, not without violence, especially the now united opposition forces. In Santa Cruz, the governor of this department, Rubén Costas, asked without euphemisms the second round. With this politician from all countries, there is a curious fact. Like President Morales, he has been in office since January 2006. He participated in the recall referendum in 2008 and won with 66% of the vote in a regional violence against the central government. At that time, they had to revalidate their continuity Evo – which had obtained the approval of 62% – and the governors of the departments of Bolivia.

Santa Cruz, the opposing stronghold Oscar Ortiz, of Bolivia, says no, and Chi Hyun Chung, Korean and Bolivian, is the city where the organization in the street against which Mr. Mesa largely defeated Morales and even voted the vote of two other candidates hoping to arrive at the presidency. The national government is more homogeneous. Tuesday begins at midnight an indefinite strike triggered by the president of the Local Civic Front, Luis Fernando Camacho. While they were haranguing their mobilized troops, MAS militants rallied to the shout of "friend Evo, the people are with you!" And "Evo wants peace, Mesa wants death!"

The growing violence that followed Mesa's tirades against the electoral process, when he ignored it for the first time and called it fraudulent thereafter, did not cease . The most serious events took place Monday night in cities such as Sucre, Oruro, Potosí and Cobija and, to a lesser extent, La Paz and Cochabamba. There have been fires in the county electoral courts, clashes with the police and attacks against the MAS authorities.

The mayor of Cobija, chief town of Pando Department, in the north of the country, was one of the victims of this violence. This is the former player of the Bolivian football team, Luis Gatty Ribeiro. The protesters went to fetch him at his home, raped her and had to escape. Pando's mass governor, Luis Adolfo Flores, was hospitalized when his home was attacked. "Dozens of people, shouting, came to my house. It does not look good, I raised my daughters at two in the morning and I had to go to a neighbor's house to escape from my own home.

In this department of northern Bolivia, on the border with Brazil, the facilities of the county electoral court (TED) were set on fire, computers stolen and a pickup truck caught on fire. These incidents against counting centers were repeated across the country. Hundreds of protesters set fire to the TED building in Potosí. As seen in several TV images, when a person tried to escape the flames, he jumped off the second floor when the property burned.

The calculations were kept until Tuesday evening at known percentages. Evo takes an advantage of 46.85% against 36.78% of former President Mesa, a minimum difference of seven decimals. Last night, the votes of the alien were examined, where the president easily exceeds his rival. The results of rural areas that have always responded to MAS remain to be seen. The supporters of the president yesterday adopted a measure of strong political support. Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) and the National Coordinator for Change (Conalcam) declared the state of emergency and the peaceful national mobilization for democracy. In a statement, they announced that they would perform the first concentration today in the Plaza Mayor of San Francisco, in the heart of this city. Where there is a market of craftsmen and musicians come together, actors who pass the cape and evangelical pastors who speak to their parishioners in front of the Catholic Church built in the eighteenth century.

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