Elections in Ecuador: Alberto Fernández asked for the pres …


The institutional crisis in Ecuador does not end. After the anti-government pact between candidates Guillermo Lasso and Yaku Pérez (respectively second and third in the last elections), and the Organization of American States (OAS) to count the votes in only 17 departments, now the banker of Guayaquil has decided to overthrow this strange alliance. In this context, the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernández, demanded that the vote be guaranteed without outside interference.

He did so via Twitter, in which he said that institutionality “should be the priority of all democratic governments” in Latin America. “Let us guarantee that the peoples decide without outside interference of any kind”, declared the Argentine president.

And he added: “The only protagonist of the poll in Ecuador must be the Ecuadorian people.”

After Fernández’s post, the South American country’s most voted candidate, Andrés Arauz, shared the Argentine president’s comments on his Twitter account.

In theory, the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador has announced that will have 100% of the votes in the province of Guayas and 50% in 16 provinces, without announcing what they will be, or for what reasons. Thus, when the country has approached to know the final result of the ballot, with already 99.65% of the votes calculated, a counting process will begin, the estimated time of which has not been announced. The overthrow of Lasso leaves the decision of the CNE pending, which decided to proceed with a review with the support of the OAS, a key body of the coup in Bolivia. For its part, the second round is scheduled for April 11.


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