Elections in Ecuador: Espacio Futuro calls for “the election …


In view of the upcoming presidential elections in Ecuador, which will take place on February 7, Future space – a meeting point for Latin American and Spanish leaders promoted by the Latin American Strategic Center for Geopolitics (CELAG) – issued a statement to ask that democratic procedures be “scrupulously respected” and thus guarantee “elections under clean, transparent and equal conditions”.

This requirement, they said in the letter published this Sunday, implies “do not postpone and / or suspend the date of the electoral nomination under no pretext, “since the political rights of the Ecuadorian people” cannot be denied under any circumstances “.

On the other hand, the signatories urged the Ecuadorian electoral authorities and “all political actors involved in these elections” to “they respect the examination deadlines provided for by law”; that is to say that they do not announce in advance and through unofficial channels any type of result “using these announcements to achieve political objectives not legitimized by the ballot box or to provoke situations which could lead to the collapse of the institutional order “.

They also launched an “appeal to the electoral monitoring offices of the main international institutions“, in particular at the OAS, to get involved in the “respect for these democratic principles” to avoid any interference and respect the right of the Ecuadorian people to elect their representatives.

The aim of these demands, they explained, is that the result of the next presidential elections << faithfully and democratically reflects the will of Ecuadorians and Ecuadorians, freely expressed and with all procedural guarantees “.

The declaration was signed by the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof; the Minister of the Presidency of Bolivia, María Nela Prada; Colombian Senator and Colombian presidential candidate Humana, Gustavo Petro; the mayor of Recoleta (Chile) and presidential candidate, Daniel Jadue; the Vice-Chancellor of Mexico, Maximiliano Reyes; the vice-president of Spain, Pablo Iglesias; and the former vice-president of Bolivia, Álvaro García Linera, among others.

Elections in Ecuador were discussed in 2020 due to the obstacles the Correísmo formula had to face in order to participate in the February 7 vote. At the end of the year, in December, the duo made up of economist Andrés Arauz and journalist Carlos Rabascall finally received the approval of the National Electoral Council (CNE), which had to respond to a challenge that was rejected as inadmissible.


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