Elections in Ecuador: the definition between Arauz and …


This Sunday, Ecuadorians voted to define their future. In the second round, Andrés Arauz, heir to socialism proclaimed by former President Rafael Correa, and Guillermo Lasso, former banker of the conservative right, arrived. At the start of the ballot, Lasso surpassed Arauz, although no one risks a result until the count is complete, the count can be followed live on the website of the National Electoral Council (CNE).

Uncertainty reigns over the election: once the elections are closed, the television channels Ecuavisa and Teleamazonas They had published two exit polls, one from the Cedatos company which gives Lasso a six percentage point advantage (53.24%) over Arauz (46.76%), and another from Social Climate which, well that signaling a technical draw, gives the victory to Arauz.

For their part, despite the absence of a clear trend, the two candidates are seen as victorious. On his Twitter account, Arauz said that “this is a victory for the Ecuadorian people. I ask our delegates to be vigilant to take care of each of our votes.” Lasso, for his part, wrote “Together we do it!” and thanked voters for “support at the polls”.


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