Elections in Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu seeks solid majority in fourth election in less than two years


A total of 6,578,084 Israelis over the age of 18 are called to vote in 13,685 polling centers.  The day is a public holiday and public transport is free to facilitate the mobility of people to vote.  EFE / EPA / SULTAN OPEN
A total of 6,578,084 Israelis over the age of 18 are called to vote in 13,685 polling centers. The day is a national holiday and public transport is free to facilitate the mobility of people to vote. EFE / EPA / SULTAN OPEN

Polling stations opened at 05:00 GMT in Israel, which is holding its fourth election in two years, the most expensive in its history, marked by anti-coronavirus measures and special centers to ensure the voting of infected and isolated people.

A total of 6,578,084 Israelis over the age of 18 are called to vote in 13,685 polling centers. The day is a public holiday and public transport is free to facilitate the mobility of people to vote.

Voting will end at 10:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m. GMT), when a recount will begin, which could be delayed by several days due to the increase in so-called “doubled” votes., which this time comes not only from embassies, military bases, prisons or hospitals, but also those who are in quarantine or infected with COVID-19.

A hospital worker carries an urn in the rooms of COVID-19 patients who want to vote in Israel (REUTERS / Nir Elias)
A hospital worker carries an urn in the rooms of COVID-19 patients who want to vote in Israel (REUTERS / Nir Elias)

The candidates

The favorite in the polls remains Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud. With the possibility of securing around 30 seats, that doesn’t seem to have affected the corruption trial he faces. Israelis will vote after weeks of gradual economic reopening, with more than half of the population vaccinated, which has restored a sense of normalcy to the streets.

Israel’s normalization of relations agreements with four Arab countries – the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan (the latter in the absence of the final deal) – is another of the electoral achievements with which Netanyahu aspires. to extend a mandate which has been renewed consecutively since 2009.

He is assured of his traditional ultra-Orthodox partners – Shah and United Torah Judaism – and of the far-right Zionist religious party, with strong racist rhetoric, led by Bezalel Smotrich.

The main rival to challenge the head of government in Netanyahu is centrist Yair Lapid, of Yesh Atid, But with an estimate of between 16 and 19 seats, he should add up the rest of the lists that are presented to topple Netanyahu, such as Gideón Saar, who left Likud to create Nueva Esperanza, which foresees 9 seats. .

The fourth candidate intending to vote is religious nationalist Naftali Bennett, Yamina (around 9 seats), who said on Sunday that he would not support a government with Lapid, nor with Netanyahu that requires support from Arab lists.

In short, various factors will influence the fourth elections held by Israel today in less than two years.

“Only one thing is clear: it should not surprise us if in the end it surprises us a lot”, summarized analyst Matti Tuchfeld in the official newspaper, Israel Hayom.

Official sorts ballots at a special mobile polling station for Israelis quarantined or infected with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), just before the office opens for Israelis to vote in the general election of Israel, in Jerusalem.  REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun
An official sorts ballots at a special mobile polling station for Israelis quarantined or infected with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), just before the office opens for Israelis to vote in the general election of Israel, in Jerusalem. REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun

Precautions against COVID-19

Each voting table is equipped with protective plastics and hygiene products to prevent the spread of the virus. More than 4.5 million Israelis are vaccinated with the two doses, allowing many to vote more calmly.

There are 342 centers with isolated tents for quarantined citizens who can get around by car and deposit your ballot without leaving the vehicle.

The infected can vote at 409 points with highly protected tents. The central electoral commission transports them with adapted transport. Yet of the roughly 15,000 patients eligible to vote, only about 1,000 registered to vote.

38 voting points are also activated in hospitals, where there are around 500 infected people in serious condition. Likewise, buses that function as mobile polling stations have been adapted for use in the event that a school has to close due to the presence of virus carriers.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara voted early in the morning for Israel (REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun / Pool)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara voted early in the morning for Israel (REUTERS / Ronen Zvulun / Pool)

The total cost is estimated at around 170 million euros, almost double that of the previous elections in March 2020.

Despite the foreseeable exhaustion of the electorate due to the repetition of the elections, the participation of last March 2020 was 71%, higher than 69.4% in September 2019 and 67.9% in April of the same year.

In total, 37 lists are vying for these elections to obtain representation in a Parliament of 120 seats. The stake that marked the campaign was not the right-left axis, but the pro or anti-Netanyahu positions.

Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister for 12 years and now prosecuted for corruption, will try to revalidate the post, but polls do not guarantee a sufficient majority of 61 seats with his allies to form a government.

With information from EFE and Aurora


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