Elections in Peru: Keiko Fujimori narrowed the distance with Pedro Castillo by two points in the polls


Peruvian presidential candidates wave to the audience ahead of Saturday's debate (Reuters)
Peruvian presidential candidates wave to the audience ahead of Saturday’s debate (Reuters)

Pedro Castillo leads by nine points of voting intention to his rival Keiko Fujimori for the second round of the presidential election in Peru, according to a new poll released this Sunday, five weeks before the vote.

The Ipsos poll appeared in the Sunday program Fourth power god one 43% of intention to vote for Castillo against 34% for Fujimori.

The distance between Peru’s two presidential candidates has been reduced by two percentage points compared to the previous Ipsos survey, held two weeks ago, between April 15 and April 16, as Fujimori gained three points and Castillo increased one. Although the narrowing of the gap is within the margin of error, the Fujimori campaign sees it as a trend signal.

“We take it with humility, with serenity. We are finally seeing the numbers and trends start to shift, ”Keiko Fujimori told Sunday’s schedule. Fourth power.

In addition, he pointed out that the study was conducted before Saturday debate. “There is still a long way to go. It is important to call on the people who join us to continue to help us, ”he said.

Keiko Fujimori (Reuters)
Keiko Fujimori (Reuters)

The increases in both candidates come from the undecided, who fell to 10% and preferred Fujimori to a greater extent than Castillo, especially among women, according to Ipsos chairman Alfredo Torres.

Fujimori, moreover, tried to reduce his “anti-voting”, made up of citizens who say that in no case would they vote for it. Over the past few weeks, dropped to 50% (against 55% in the previous survey), even if it must continue to reduce it to be competitive. In the case of Castillo, 36% of those questioned responded to their total opposition to the candidate of Free Peru.

The survey also showed that 36% of Peruvians want radical changes in the neoliberal economic model this has been consolidated in Peru since the mandate of Alberto Fujimori, as promoted by Castillo, who calls for the nationalization of the exploitation of natural resources. 54% prefer moderate changes and only 11% advocated continuity, which so far has been raised by Keiko Fujimori, who seeks to reach the presidency to defend the legacy of his father, to whom he has promised to pardon the 25-year prison sentence he is serving for crimes against the ‘humanity.

Pedro Castillo (Reuters)
Pedro Castillo (Reuters)

Fujimori made a big difference in Lima, with 51% support against 29% who prefer Castillo, but the situation is reversed inside the country: 51% would vote for the left leader against 25% who would choose Fuerza Popular.

Polarization is even greater between socio-economic sectors. In class A, with the highest incomes, support for Fujimori is 81%, compared to 11% for Castillo. In Sector E, the lowest (and much more populous), support for Castillo is 60%, compared to 22% for Fujimori.

The survey was conducted on April 30 among 1,204 adults of national scope in Peru, with a 2.8% margin of error.

The country, in recession due to the pandemic and politically unstable since 2016 – it had three presidents in five days in November – is now heading for a ballot between two candidates located at the antipodes and who together obtained only 32% of the votes. vote in the first round.

More than 25 million Peruvians are called to the polls on June 6 to elect their next president for the period 2021-2026, who will take command on July 28, the 200th anniversary of Peru’s independence.

(With information from EFE and AFP)


Ballotage in Peru: Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori crossed paths in a difficult debate

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