Elections in Peru: Keiko Fujimori stretches the inevitable …


From Lima. Keiko Fujimori continues to fuel the polarization. Insists in no reconocer su derrota electoral frente al izquierdista Pedro Castillo, in hablar de fraud sin evidencias serias, in un discurso de confrontación, in movilizar a sus seguidores a las calles, movilizaciones en las que abundan los discursos incendiarios y los agravios contra Castillo y left. Contradictory, he speaks of “defending democracy and votes”, but what he seeks is to cancel the votes of his rival to win at the table what he lost at the polls. Castillo patiently awaits the proclamation of his victory and calls for tranquility. His supporters are also mobilizing in the street, if necessary to demand respect for the electoral results.


At the time of sending this note, with less than 20,000 votes observed to review, Castillo won by 50,000 votes out of 18.7 million. For days, its advantage is irreversible, but the right refuses to accept the victory of the left and maneuvers to reverse the result. To achieve this, his goal is to cancel 200,000 votes from rural areas, where Castillo has won an overwhelming majority. They have presented no serious argument for this assertion. Only some cases where family members have been members of certain polling stations and other tables where the signatures of their members differ from those of their identity documents. Fraud is an empty complaint.

The local electoral juries which examined these complaints have already rejected several for lack of arguments. But Fujimori has already indicated that he will appeal to the jury for the national elections, which will extend by several days the deadline for formalizing a result and proclaiming the winner.. Without merit, calls for overturning votes should not go through and Castillo’s victory should be confirmed once this process is completed.

The story

This Saturday, Keiko Fujimori met the foreign press accredited in the country, meeting during which he was 12. He began by saying that he had a serious overall complaint to make. And she launched out by saying, very seriously, that she was the victim of a conspiracy from the international left which wanted to take power in Peru and that she was the one chosen “by the circumstances” to face it and win. the communism “. “This is what it is about,” he noted, explaining why he refused to accept defeat. It was a presentation that sounded delusional.

“Peru is a new epicenter of confrontation between communism and a free economy, between statism and the free market. In Bolivia and Argentina, the left has returned. In Ecuador, an illustrious businessman succeeded in winning the presidential elections. Today, Peru is in this battle. It is not about me, it is about democracy and freedom, that Peru is a strategically and geopolitically fundamental country in Latin America and that is why this attempt by the international left to twist the popular will ”, did he declare. It sounded like a joke, but he was serious.

He insisted on talking about fraud without presenting serious evidence. This time, she added the ingredient of the alleged international conspiracy to carry out this alleged fraud that only she and her fans see. In another moment where the absurd has taken over, the daughter of the imprisoned ex-dictator Alberto Fujimori, who claims this dictatorship, proclaimed herself the great defender of democracy and freedom. “We want to defend the vote of all Peruvians,” he said. He could not answer how to reconcile defending everyone’s vote and at the same time asking that his rival’s votes be overturned.

The plot of A. Fernandez

Page 12 He asked him what the conspiracy of the international left looked like and what evidence he had of its existence. “President Fernández of Argentina and other left-wing presidents congratulated Mr. Castillo on his victory when there are no official results. This proves this conspiracy of the international left ”, answered. This was the level of his statements.

Hours later, Keiko appeared in a protest against Castillo in which “the fraud” was shouted ad nauseam. But it is not by shouting it often and loudly that it becomes reality. Thousands of people rallied in Lima, a bastion of Peruvian conservatism, where Keiko won 65% of the vote. Exceptionally, the mobilization to press for the cancellation of votes in rural areas favorable to Castillo was called under the slogan “respect my vote”. Keiko delivered a message, which was a campaign speech, echoing that of “Communist danger” and, of course, the tale of the fraud with which he wants to turn his third straight loss into a victory at the table.

Do not worry

For his part, Castillo stayed most of the day at his local party, where he met his collaborators and various unions. At night, he appeared on the balcony again to speak to his enthusiastic supporters. “We are leaving it to the authorities so that this (the decision of the electoral result) is no longer prolonged,” he added. “Let us not fall into the trap of provocation. The people have followed their own path.”


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