Elections in Peru: Mario Vargas Llosa and his efforts …


In another of his attempts to question the popular will when he turns his back on the conservative right, former writer Mario Vargas Llosa came out to raise the specter of “fraud”. He gave substance to the complaints about the alleged irregularities raised by Keiko Fujimori and He asked to wait until the electoral commission confirms them or does not accept the defeat.

“I think that (the National Election Jury) is the body that should intervene in this case. It is the highest authority to determine whether there has been fraud or not,” noted the neoliberal leader. became a staunch supporter of Fujimori, a regime he fought in during his short but unforgettable political career in his country.

In an interview with a Spanish media, Vargas Llosa admitted that “the word fraud is very dangerous” and he refused to admit the triumph of Pedro Castillo by almost 50 thousand votes of difference.

On the contrary, he stated that Keiko Fujimori assured him that there were “many indications that the (voting) records were changed and that he was the victim of those changes and that is why he asks to the jury of the national elections to pronounce “.

The writer ratified his support for the Peruvian right-wing candidate and daughter of Alberto Fujimori, the former president whom he himself faced as a candidate in 1990.

“If this candidate (for Castillo) becomes president, the catastrophe that all Peruvians will suffer will be immeasurable and will have a lot to do with what Venezuela is going through,” he predicted in a militant way.

Then he pointed out that in Peru “a lot of people” who are Fujimoristas and even anti-Fujimoristas “always”, as in his case, support Fujimori because they do not want “the catastrophe to happen that would be a government of M. Castillo “.

He considered that the left-wing candidate and founder of the Peru Free party, Vladimir Cerrón, “proposes crazy and absurd things. “

In passing, he also tried to cast suspicion on the electoral commission, which limited the time to present evidence of the alleged irregularities. “I do not quite understand with what criteria after a few hours he cancels what he had determined in the morning and then he does not give an explanation about it,” he said.

For her part, the candidate almost defeated and on whom weighs a prison order for corruption, continue to bet on the climate of confrontation and rupture. He said he would attend a march called by his supporters on Saturday to protest the attempted “table fraud” allegedly committed by Castillo.

Fujimori has confirmed his participation in the protest, called at Campo de Marte, in Lima, despite the government announcing that it will not allow it. “There are a lot of groups doing a march today and gathering in the Campo de Marte, I understand that the convocation starts at three in the afternoon, I will participate and I will be there from four hours, “he said. declared.


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