Elections in Spain: internal struggles weaken the right – 25/04/2019


Madrid, special envoy

There is greed among the political forces on the right of the Socialist Party to lead the alternative to Pedro Sánchez, the president of the government and candidate with the best projection to win the elections of April 28 here in Spain.

Three days before the election on Sunday and 33% of Spaniards still do not know who to vote for, Ciudadanos, Partido Popular and Vox show for convenience the marriage that they inaugurated last December in Andalusia. join seats to get the government of the PSOE, despite winning the elections.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

Lately, about 50 PP activists – among the candidates, former officials, mayors and councilors – abandoned their hosts and went to see Citizens or Vox.

The last chapter of the saga was lived on Wednesday and caused a wound that continues to flow: it is the departure of a historic PP, the former president of the Madrid community Angel Garrido. Garrido was candidate of the PP in the European elections of May 26 and now he will be candidate of citizens to the Assembly of Madrid, the autonomous Parliament.

"It's a bitch," said Xavier García Albiol, former president of the Catalan PP, without anesthesia.

The Garrido case deepens the crisis between the PP and the citizens and this perhaps reveals the personal ambition in certain spheres of militancy: that the interns at a place in the lists that soothe anguish are sometimes on the political proposals.

This will surely not jeopardize a future post-election pact between PP and the citizens, but the movement, no doubt, weakens both and benefits Pedro Sánchez.

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"If they are not able to govern themselves, they can hardly aspire to govern Spain," said the Socialist candidate. If they can not trust each other, how can the Spaniards trust these two rights? "

"Ask them what they did wrong so that voters, activists and even a president of the Madrid community will leave them," said Albert Rivera, leader of the PP Citizens Party. It's a free country, activists have the right to change. "

Pablo Casado, PP candidate, preferred to be a strategist: "My opponent is not Albert Rivera, but Pedro Sánchez," he said Thursday morning. "My ultimate goal is to rebuild the center-right by absorbing Vox and Citizens", he added.

He did not, however, shy away from discrediting Rivera, who during his two televised presidential debates this week offered his help for a coalition government: "Mr. Rivera arrived at the last round of debate. a government, it is not a show, it is not the show.This requires more than frames and photos (Rivera presented to Sanchez a portrait of him with the Catalan president), Casado said: The problem for the citizens is that they do not have the experience of the government and they do not have a good balance between what they have proposed for Spain. from socialist to liberal in a congress is not reliable. "

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Society between what socialism calls "The three rights" Last February, when Casado, Rivera and Santiago Abascal (Vox) declared that the government of Pedro Sánchez had accepted a mediator at the dialogue table with Catalonia, he seemed to be installed last February. Monument in Columbus, Madrid.

It was the beginning of the free fall of Sánchez, who finally convened the elections on Sunday, and revealed that the agreement of PP, Ciudadanos and Vox was linked to the help of wire fences. "The agreement was visible on the scene only with the leaders of the political parties, the citizens violated the agreement and Rivera proposed to more leaders of his party to try to conceal the fact that he takes pictures with Vox ", he complains in the abascal environment.

"My proposal is to not give more importance to parties that make proposals such as guns in every house or that there may be shootings in schools or that gays are considered sick, "said the Citizen Party leader about Vox.

Abascal did not remain silent: "You're really sick, Carlos Alberto," he has posted on his Twitter account. You are a lie with legs. "

The storm, which after two days released the skies of Madrid, is installed this Thursday in the constitutional bloc. Those who speak of "not breaking Spain" in the face of the Catalan threat to independence, inside are breaking each other.


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