Elections in the United States: Donald Trump threw his …


El presidente Donald Trump (Photo) He abruptly fired Christopher Krebs, director of the federal agency that approved the reliability of the 2020 election.Trump in a tweet, in which he said his recent statement defending election security was “patently inaccurate.” The dismissal of Krebs, appointed by Trump and director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, came at a time when Trump refused to acknowledge the Democrat’s victory Joe biden and withdraws the senior officials he considers they are not loyal enough. He sacked the Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on Nov. 9, as part of a larger reshuffle in which Trump loyalists assumed high-ranking positions in the Pentagon.

Krebs, former executive of Microsoft, led the agency from its inception after Russian interference in the 2016 elections until the elections held a few weeks ago. He was greeted by both parties after the The CISA has coordinated federal, state and local efforts to defend electoral systems against foreign or domestic interference. In recent days, Krebs has repeatedly rejected false claims that the election was tampered with. Yesterday he tweeted a report citing 59 election security experts who noted there was no clear evidence of computer fraud in the 2020 election results.

Trump later responded on Twitter. “Chris Krebs’ recent statement on the security of the 2020 elections was very inaccurate, as there were massive inaccuracies and fraud, including deaths who voted, supervisors unauthorized to enter polling stations, machine breakdowns that changed the ballots. Trump to Biden, late votes and more, ”Trump tweeted, listing a series of baseless accusations and forcing Twitter, once again, to label their post “controversial.” Trump wrote that “with immediate effect, Chris Krebs was fired as Director of the Agency for Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security ”. Officials from CISA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), or DHS (to which it belongs), have not commented on the matter.

Krebs hadn’t garnered much attention even when he expressed confidence ahead of the November election. At times he seemed to directly rebut Trump, a surprising move to be part of the DSH a unit that has been criticized for appearing to be too much of an ally of the president.


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