Elections in the United States | Greta Thunberg’s tweet against Trump facing the unfavorable outcome: “Relax, Donald!”


“Revenge is a dish eaten cold“Says a famous saying. The environmentalist Greta Thunberg He took the meaning of that sentence at face value and executed one of the most social impact tweets of the past 24 hours. Faced with the fury of Donald trump who called for a stop to vote counting in several key states, the teenager used the same words the Republican used against her some time ago to expose it.

“It’s so ridiculous. Donald you have to work your anger management issues then go see a good old fashioned movie with a friend. Relax, Donald, relax!Thunberg wrote, in response to the Republican’s message demanding that the count be stopped.

Hostility between Trump and Thunberg is not new. In December 2019, the president attacked the young Swede for having been chosen personality of the year for the magazine Time. The words Trump, 74, used were the same with which the ecologist, 17, responded today.

It was not the first time that the head of state criticized her. In September of that year, he had mentioned the girl in a mocking way on social networks. “She looks like a very happy young woman”, had launched ironically on his Twitter account. Along with his post, he shared a video in which Thunberg demanded that UN authorities take urgent action on climate change.

Thunberg has become an icon of this fight, which sparked an international youth movement. Her figure grew to the point that the magazine Time he considered her to be one of the greatest figures of recent times. On the cover of December 2019, the article featured her in a photo with one foot on a rock, hit by the waves, and under the caption: “The power of youth”.

Magazine cover "Time" with Greta Thunberg.
The cover of “Time” magazine featuring Greta Thunberg.

The magazine said the young woman became the main figure of 2019 “for having raise the alarm on the predatory relationship of humanity with the only home we have and for showing what happens when a new generation takes leadership ”.

According to the publication, the teenager “I managed to transform vague anxieties on the future of the planet in a global movement that demands global change ”.

The documentary on Greta

A few weeks ago the documentary was released I am Greta, which covers the life of the young Swede. At the age of 15, Thunberg launched a student climate strike outside his country’s parliament and ended up being the most important voice of an unprecedented global movement.

“I am Greta” was presented at the Venice Film Festival.

The film is a close and intimate portrait of his personality and daily life, both from his early days of activism, as well as the boat trip she did between Europe and the United States, for the United Nations Climate Summit in New York, which put her at the center of the stage.

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