Elections in the United States: How far will Joe Biden get the presidency of the United States?


Between his salary and other items, Biden will receive $ 569,000 per year worked.

Between his salary and other items, Biden will receive $ 569,000 per year worked.

Even though it must be common knowledge as it is paid with taxes from all taxpayers, the salaries of presidents are not always disclosed.

This is not the case in the United States, where it is already known that Joe Biden will receive a salary of $ 400,000 for each year as head of the White House, plus an additional spending allowance of $ 50,000 every 12 months, a tax-free travel account of $ 100,000, and an additional $ 19,000 for entertainment.

The 569,000 the dollars for each concept that the US president receives each year is a far cry from the salary average US $ 44,564 that an American bill per year worked.

But as if his salary wasn’t enough, on top of that, the Head of State also travels for free in the Presidential limousine, Air Force One plane and Marine One helicopter. Blanca and the Camp David Rest Residence, located in the state of Maryland.

Another benefit for those elected as president of the world’s leading power is that after leaving office, they remain on the government’s payroll, making them eligible for a annual pension about $ 200,000 as well as health care coverage and paid official travel.

Although a salary of $ 400,000 a year is enough to put the President of the United States in the 1% among the best earners in the country, a former head of state can earn even more money by posting books and memories in conferences.

Clinton, an “advance”

One of the best examples in this regard is that of Bill Clinton, who, after leaving his post in January 2001, won over $ 75 million just lecture at various types of conferences.

Before assuming the presidency in January 2016 Donald Trump, whose net worth is estimated to be around US $ 3,000 million, He pledged to donate all the salaries he received as president to charity. A promise that partially filled with donations made to the Ministry of Health and Social Services on the one hand and to the Ministry of Transport on the other.

All the benefits that America’s leaders receive would suggest that their wives’ case is similar, but nothing is further from the truth than that. Because even though it seems hard to believe, first ladies don’t get a single penny for the role they play after the triumph of their husbands.

Between 1789, when George Washington took office, and today there were already a total of five increases the salaries of the president, and the most recent was in 2001, when Congress doubled the president’s salary. George WH Bush, who took office in Washington that year, was the first to benefit from the increase.


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