Elections in the United States | Joe Biden already rules: experts summoned to deal with second wave of coronavirus


After winning the US presidential election, Joe Biden don’t want to waste a second and for that the next one Monday present a committee composed of 12 experts to tackle the coronavirus epidemic, which is leading the country in terms of infections and deaths accumulated in the world, according to the local press.

The commission will be headed by three co-chairs: former director of public health Vivek Murthy; former Food and Drug Commissioner David Kessler; and Marcella Nunez-Smith, professor at Yale University, according to what was reported by sources close to Biden cited by the channel CNN.

The decision, which contrast with the lack of candidates for other positions in government priority which Biden attributed in his campaign to the issue of the coronavirus, which has the United States as the most affected country in absolute terms, with more than 9.81 million infections and 236,000 deaths accumulated since the start of the pandemic, according to figures recorded by the Johns Hopkins University of North America.

The sources consulted pointed out that Joe Biden has already resolved the names of the 12 members of this committee, even if any change in policy must wait until January 20, 2021, when the elected authorities in the United States take over.

One of the measures most likely to be adopted by the Democrat is the use chinstrap compulsory across the country, although the president-elect himself acknowledged that it would be difficult to implement beyond areas and facilities under federal jurisdiction, due to the broad powers available to states.

Objectives of your plan

Biden’s priorities are to fight the virus, restore confidence, create a cohesive national strategy, allow access to treatment for the entire population, help affected sectors and collaborate with other countries to prevent new infections.

Likewise, the elected president plans to give everyday a press conference with pandemic data, a habit that current head of state Donald Trump gave up months ago.

Meanwhile, aides to the defeated Republican mogul admitted that dealing with the pandemic was one of the main The causes of the electoral setback of the president who aspired to be re-elected, according to the news agency Europa Press.

The coronavirus pandemic has left a new record infected in the past 24 hours, with 642,724 positive, bringing the global total to more than 49.6 million cases and 1.24 million deaths, according to the report updated this Saturday by the aforementioned house of Johns Hopkins Advanced Studies.

More than half of the 49,636,193 infected are in the three most affected countries: United States, India and Brazil.


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