Elections in the United States: Joe Biden will be the …


From Washington, DC. The United States government will change hands from next January and Democrat Joseph Biden will be the country’s next president. This was announced by the American media in the morning of this Saturday, after four days of counting. The final tally is yet to be certified by individual states, but the Democratic Party is projected to exceed the 270 votes it needs in the Electoral College. Donald Trump does not recognize his rival’s triumph and continues to question the legality of the results. He is the first president to be re-elected and has failed for more than a quarter of a century.

“America, I am honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country. The job ahead will be difficult, but I promise you this: I will be the president of all Americans, whether they vote for me or not. I’ll keep their faith in me, ”was Biden’s first reaction on social media. He knows that ruling a polarized country will not be easy. The partial results gave him more than 74 million votes nationwide, but Trump already had more than 70 million, a historic record for a Republican candidate.

With that in mind, the message from Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris emphasizes unity.

“President-elect,” Biden already included on his Twitter profile after the media projections became known. In the tradition of the United States, where there is no national control, it is the networks and press agencies that analyze the trajectories of the counts to anticipate the composition of the electoral college. He won’t vote until December, but under normal conditions Americans may already know the trend a month before the same election night.

This year it was delayed. In 2020, the year of the pandemic, millions of Americans voted by mail to avoid the risk of going in person to a polling station. This modality delayed the count by several days in several key states. Some have yet to complete treatment. This Saturday, after a suspension that lasted more than 72 hours, the media gave Biden the winner in Pennsylvania, the state that ultimately pushed him past 270 constituency votes. The outcome is not yet known in North Carolina and Alaska, which will likely be favorable to Trump, but not enough to achieve a majority.

In the same American tradition of defining the winner of an election even before the results of the Electoral College were known, it was customary for the loser to admit defeat once the election was awarded to a candidate. After that, the winner usually starts to celebrate. At least, that’s what was popular. None of this will happen this year. Trump did not recognize Biden’s triumph. “The election is not yet over”, they maintain of their team that will continue to fight in court to obtain a result that will allow him to access a second term. The road, however, seems very difficult.

The day also marked the historic triumph of Senator Harris, Biden’s running mate. She will be the country’s first vice-president, the first woman to reach such a level in the executive branch of American history. A video posted via Twitter shows her talking on the phone with the Democratic candidate. “You’re going to be the next president,” she tells him from California, the state she represents in the Senate. We did it.

Once the triumph was known, the streets of the main democratic cities were filled with people coming to celebrate. In New York City, thousands of people gathered in the Times Square neighborhood, the area that on election night in 2016 was left deserted and silent at the unexpected news that Trump would be president. In Washington, thousands of people, especially young people, have also flocked to Black Lives Matter Square all day in front of the White House. At that point, just five months ago, protesters against police brutality were quelled to allow Trump to walk through and take a campaign photo with a bible. The District of Columbia, in which Biden won 92% of the vote, has not forgiven him. On Saturday night, there were still people celebrating with dances, shouts and posters against the president. He also celebrated Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the city that ended up giving Biden the win with his latest voting updates.

Different was the case in places like Miami. Despite being a historic Democratic stronghold, in the city of South Florida, Trump garnered thousands more votes this year than in the previous election. There your warning message that con Biden would come socialism It has spread among Latin American communities, especially Cuban Americans. This Saturday, seeing that the Democratic candidate was the winner, Trump supporters came out to protest and demand that the alleged fraud the president insists be investigated.

“They did not allow observers to enter the counting rooms. I won the election, I got 71 million legal votes. Bad things happened that our observers could not see. This had never happened before. Millions of ballots were sent to people who did not ask for them, ”tweeted the President of the White House in the afternoon. He had just returned from golf at his club in Virginia, where he had visited in the morning, before the television channels announced his defeat. Upon his return, he could see the celebrating crowds in downtown Washington.

In his first activity as president-elect, Biden is expected to announce a task force on Monday to combat and contain the coronavirus pandemic in the country. As of Saturday, the United States had exceeded 130,000 daily cases and had already accumulated nearly 10 million infections.


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