Elections in the United States: Joe Biden wins in Pen …


The democrat Joe Biden topped the count in Pennsylvania to President Donald Trump, position yourself to win this key stronghold that can give you the 20 electoral votes you need to get to the White House.

The count is still in progress – 95% have been examined – but Shortly before 2:00 p.m., CNN and the New York Times reported that Biden had surpassed Trump by more than 5,500 votes in that state.

Democratic candidate has 253 electoral votes and he has to cross the 270 threshold to become president, so if Pennsylvania wins with its 20 electoral votes, he can.

Earlier Biden outnumbered Trump in Georgia state, also crucial in the race for the White House, although the vote count is still continuing. The rebound started when the postal votes started to be counted, a tool provided for by law but which is rejected by Trump, who reiterated this Thursday in a press release from the White House his complaint for electoral “fraud” and warned that he would go to court with this dispute and others .

In this way, Biden would comfortably reach the necessary 270 voters. for an electoral victory with the 20 delegates from Pennsylvania. To that, you can add another 16 in Georgia and 11 in Arizona, which are almost insured.

Trump currently has 214 Electoral College seats and needs, yes or yes, Gerogia’s 16 electoral votes and Pennsylvania’s 20 to maintain his hopes of being re-elected after last Tuesday’s election.

Pending states

Among the other states pending trial, there are Nevada, where Biden has a difference of 11,438 votes, which is equivalent to nine tenths of advantage over the leader, while there are less than 250,000 votes to count. However, the majority of those votes awaiting review correspond to Las Vegas and its suburb, mostly Democrats.

In North Carolina, Trump’s lead is 76,701 votes (1.4 points), but voting shouldn’t end until next week, because in this state, votes will continue to be received by mail until the 12th.

In Arizona, a state in which some of the country’s mainstream media projected a Biden victory, while others are keeping the dispute open, the former vice president retains an advantage of 46,257 votes, with around 300,000 counting, in particular the initial votes not yet processed.

Finally, in Alaska, where the exam was slower and remains at 56%, it is taken for granted that Trump will stand up with the three conflicting delegates, since its advantage is almost 30 percentage points (54,610 votes).


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