Elections in the United States: Senate to investigate voting irregularities


Like the White House, the Capitol is also located in Washington and houses the House of Representatives and the Senate.  (AP Photo / Alex Brandon)

The Senate Judiciary Committee has promised it will investigate any allegations of wrongdoing it deems “credible”. (AP Photo / Alex Brandon)

The president of Judicial committee Senate, Republican Lindsey Graham, announced that will investigate “All credible accusations of irregularities and Voting Malpractice ”, in response to the receipt of an affidavit from a Pennsylvania postal worker regarding a plan to backdate postal votes.

“It is imperative that all credible allegations of voting irregularities are investigation to ensure the integrity of the 2020 election, ”Graham said in a statement.

The Republican senator explained that the affidavit comes from Donald Trump’s campaign, but is in the name of postman Richard Hopkins, of Erie, Pennsylvania.

Hopkins claims in the document that Erie post office manager Robert Weisenbach told his subordinates he was “Demotion of the seal votes to make it appear that they were collected before November 3, 2020 when they were November 4 and later.

Last Monday on Supreme Court of Justice ruled that the votes received this week in Pennsylvania could be counted as long as the date on the postage stamp was November 3 I eat very late.

“As chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee (…) I will not allow credible allegations of voting irregularities to be swept under the carpet,” Graham stressed, and that is why he will ask the Department of Justice investigate. “I will also be in contact with him General factor and I will ask you to study these accusations and those which could arise, ”added the Republican leader.

Postal voting has been strongly questioned by Donald Trump's campaign command.  (AP Photo / Ted S. Warren)
Postal voting has been strongly questioned by Donald Trump’s campaign command. (AP Photo / Ted S. Warren)

“Given the large volume of postal vote, supervision is necessary. The outcome of the election is not decided by the media, but by a certified and accurate vote count, ”Graham added.

With this statement he stands next to Asset, who questions Biden’s victory and insists there is no president-elect until the recount is complete.

Major media screenings such as NBC, CNN, ABC, Fox News Yes The Associated Press they have already given as the winner of the presidential election Biden after considering irreversible your advantage in the state of Pennsylvania, with which I would add the 270 Votes of the Electoral College required for nomination.

Trump continues to denounce fraud

During the morning of this Saturday, Trump again questioned without evidence the counting process in the main states of Georgia and Pennsylvania, where he denounced that dozens of votes had arrived “illegally”. “I won this election, by far!”, he said in all caps on his Twitter account.

The leader attacked the postal vote, who favored his opponent. Democrats used this resource more in these elections to avoid crowds amid the coronavirus pandemic, while Republicans preferred to vote on election day.

Later, and as he did at Thursday’s White House press conference, Trump retracted the accusation and denounced that they had not allowed the veedores to enter to count the votes. , and that was one of the reasons for it. to contest the elections.

“Observers were not allowed in the counting rooms. I won the election, got over 71 million legal votes. Bad things have happened. It had never been seen before. Millions of mail ballots have gone to people who never asked for them! The mogul tweeted.


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