Elections in the United States: the ghost of a Ba …


Close examination of the presidential elections in the United States suggests that the end result may depend on a court battlel, as in the 2000 elections, in which the Republican George W. Bush clinches victory in court after validating handful of favorable votes in Florida, one of the key states to reach the White House.

This election featured the son of former President George Bush (1989-1993) and Al Gore, who served two terms as Vice President (1993-2001) with Democrat Bill Clinton.

Florida has experienced months of extreme social and political polarization due to the case of Cuban Elián González, who at the end of 1999 had survived the trip to Cuba in which his mother lost her life.

The Clinton administration’s decision, coupled with Gore’s hesitant positions to send the boy back to his father’s home on the island, led the Democrat to drastically reduce the sympathy of voters, mostly Cuban Americans who carry significant weight. . in this state, recalled the BBC.

The first hours of the electoral recount in Florida, whose governor was Jeb Bush, brother of the Republican candidate, gave the victory to Gore. But as the minutes passed, the trends began to change, so much so that the Democrat congratulated his opponent on his triumph at the national level, as the 29 election delegates handed over by Florida assured Bush a pass to the hall. oval.

However, later he called his opponent back by phone and withdrew his congratulations as he saw that such a triumph was not clear, as a few thousand ballots were involved due to various irregularities, and he had rushed into his first intervention.

This narrow vote ended up being judiciarized and reached the Supreme Court, which barely 35 days later, by five votes to four, gave the victory to Bush. by a difference of 537 votes in Florida.


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