Elections in the United States: the shocking prediction …


The suspense remains in the US presidential election, in which Donald Trump and Joe Biden face off as control still continues in key states. But US Senator Bernie Sanders had already anticipated on the Jimmy Fallon show on October 24 what is happening right now with the elections. Especially Trump’s reaction.

“Although the elections take place on November 3, it has been said that the results will not be known until a few days later. When do you think we’ll see the results? Asked Sanders the North American television space presenter. Sanders nodded and announced that he was going to explain something he wanted to understand.

“Every vote should be counted. For reasons that I don’t have time to delve into tonight, there’s going to be a situation, I guess, in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and other states, where large amounts of votes will be received by mail ”, Tenuous.

“What the polls are showing and what the studies have shown is that, for some reason, Democrats are more likely to vote by mail. Republicans are more likely to go to the polls on election day. “It will be those who will be the first not declared, those of the people who will vote on polling day, who will be Republicans,” he added.

It is likely that at 10 a.m. on election night Trump wins in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and is on TV and says: “Thank you, Americans, for re-electing me. Everything is finished. Have a nice day’. But the next day, and the next day, all those mail-in ballots will be counted and it turns out that Biden won these states, at which point Trump will say, “See? I told them it was all fraudulent. I told them that these ballots had been manipulated and that we were not going to give up, ”he continued.

Exactly what Trump said Tuesday night and deepened on Wednesday.


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