Elections in the United States: the South leans towards …


From Washington, DC.

Florida, North Carolina, Georgia. The three southern states of the United States that were reported as the first indicators bad news for the democratic campaign and they maintained Donald Trump’s hope of reaching re-election when they had not yet closed all tables. Joseph Biden’s strategy to reach the White House was still alive, with Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania still having a very low percentage of votes counted.

Three hours having passed since the closure of the first centers, there were also no clear prospects for the majorities in the Senate or the House of Representatives. The Democratic Party was closer with 42 total almost certain seats, compared to the 35 the Republican racked up, but it was still unclear whether he would pass 50.

After 9 p.m. in the east of the country, other unknowns Texas and Ohio, who had already started reporting results, but the percentage was still low. States located in Western time zones had not yet closed polling stations. There were still two of the Biden campaign hopes, Nevada and Arizona.

The results already known are those of the center-south of the country and those of the north-west. Alabama, Luisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee. All of these historically Republican states have kept their tradition and voted for Trump. The situation was very different Nueva Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. There a Biden victory was ruled out, which also added Illinois voters to the center. As the results for both candidates became clear in which party’s safest territories were, attention turned to the numbers for the most contested states.

At 7 p.m. on the east coast, the results of West Virginia, Ohio and North Carolina. No surprise, all five voters in West Virginia went to Trump. The other two, keys to this election, were still unknown. Georgia, another supposedly competitive state, seemed to lean in Trump’s favor.

The arrival of the first wishes of Florida they had shown an equal choice. In the eternal contested state, the television networks constantly updated the partial result. Sometimes Trump first. A little later, Biden. Then again the president. With more than 90% of the votes counted, Trump’s advantage over Biden in key state seemed insurmountable.

Votes in Miami-Dade County, the main Democratic stronghold in the “southern state,” were bad news for Biden as count night had only just begun. The turnout of Republican voters was up from 2016 and that of Democrats was down. This low turnout was one of the main concerns of the opposition party in the face of these elections. “If the votes aren’t there, they have to come from somewhere else,” John King, one of the channel’s leading political analysts, predicted on CNN.

It doesn’t matter whether in Kentucky or Indiana only 15% of the vote was counted. In these states, the triumph of the Republican Party is certain in every election. In this there were no surprises and they were the first to add voters for Trump. CNN projected this result for Indiana shortly after 7 p.m. on the east coast. The New York Times do the same for Kentucky.

The first state for Biden was Vermont, in the northeast of the country. It wasn’t a surprise either. The three state voters represented by Senator Bernie Sanders also surrendered to the Democratic Party shortly after the polls closed.

In the city of Washington, the capital which began to protect itself against the risk of riots on Wednesday, the vote took place in peace. Without a ban, the areas surrounding the centers were full of posters of local candidates and some in favor of Biden. In strongly democratic territory, it is rare to see references to the president that are not critical.

After the end of its marathon campaign, Trump followed the White House elections. The seat of the US executive has been completely fenced and there have been traffic cuts in nearby streets. The District of Columbia, as well as states like Massachusetts or Illinois, closely followed the situation. Shops and buildings barricaded in the capital, members of the National Guard on alert in several cities.

Trump spoke to Fox News early, as they had just opened tables on the country’s east coast. He was convinced he was winning and assured the polls did not reflect the true intention to vote.

In recent days, an Axios report said Trump was preparing to declare victory on election night. On Tuesday, the president told Fox News he would do it “when there is a win, if there is a win,” but he was also convinced of his eventual victory.

Biden, for his part, encouraged early voting via messages on Twitter. “We can overcome these crises. We can take our country back. We can win this battle for the soul of the nation ”, released the democratic candidate and shared a link with more information on polling stations.

The most recent reports indicate that 100 million people voted before election day. Tuesday’s challenge for the Democratic and Republican parties was to bring out missing voters, especially in states where polls have still shown very tight results.

While in most cases the vote was peaceful, there were isolated incidents of disinformation. Michigan State Attorney General Dana Nessel said on Twitter she was receiving “reports of multiple robocalls” in the Flint area, speaking of long lines and urging voters to vote tomorrow. “Obviously this is FALSE and it is an effort to suppress the vote. There are no long lines and today is the last day to vote, ”he said. Something similar happened in New York State and the FBI wanted to investigate what had happened.

In an election marked by the effect of the pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday released a protocol so that people with Covid-19 can still vote. “Voters have the right to vote whether they are sick or in quarantine,” the authority said on its website.

The United States arrived on polling day with more than 9 million infections and more than 230,000 deaths from coronavirus, a health crisis that has become one of the main issues of the campaign and the target of Biden’s criticism of Trump’s management.

Developing news.


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