Elections in the United States: Trump or Biden, when …


This Tuesday, they will finish defining the presidential vote in the United States, whose main candidates are Republican Donald Trump, who will try to run for office, and former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden. The results, however, could take several weeks to arrivesome states have announced delays in processing mail-in ballots.

This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the election authorities in each state have established different modalities of advance poll. In some cases, postal voting was allowed. In others, which had already installed this practice, the terms were extended. According to local media, the early voting modality had high turnout of the American electorate, surpassing tens of millions of votes in the 2016 elections.

In some states, early voting will not be a problem for the count, because ballots are counted as they are filed, the results should therefore be published Tuesday evening. However, the same does not happen across the country: in places like Pennsylvania and Wisconsinkey in this year’s elections, the count does not begin until polling day.

A record in Pennsylvania explains the delays that could arise: this year, the state took days to announce the winner of the Democratic primary. During these general elections, Pennsylvania is strategically important, so a delay could mean a delay in the overall count. It is possible, say some analysts, that the winner is not known on election night.

While preliminary results in key states authorized to process pre-election ballots may provide enough information to declare a winner, most means of communication they plan to have more careful this year, as the preliminary results may not be sufficient to obtain a complete picture.


What will happen after the elections?

Each state has completely different timetables for projecting a general election, which involves condensing the counts, making sure every ballot is recorded, and certifying the results. The process usually ends at the end of November and sometimes lasts until December.

This year, the closed margins will increase the possibility of legal battles over which ballots should be overturned. But a handful of deadlines also put pressure on courts to resolve disputes quickly.

According to the electoral calendar, the poll will end on Tuesday, November 3. Then the electoral college will meet on December 14 and the new Congress will take office on January 3. On January 6, finally, the executive and legislature will meet to certify the electoral college’s vote, and on the 20 of this month, the newly elected president of the United States will finally take office.

Trump announced he would pursue results

US President Donald Trump said that Republicans will legally challenge ballots counted after election day.

“I think it’s a terrible thing when people or states are allowed to compile the ballots for a long time after the election is over, because it can only lead to one thing, and that’s very bad. You know what it is. I think it is something terrible and very dangerous, ”said the president during one of his political tours in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina.

“And I think it’s terrible when you can’t know the results of an election on election night in the modern age of computers,” added the president, who he criticized the Supreme Court for its “terrible decision” to extend the deadline for postal voting in some states.

He further reaffirmed that “There is a great danger” in collecting the ballots after polling day and added that there may be “fraud and misuse of these”. “We are going to go there at night, as soon as the elections are over, we are going with our lawyers. We do not want (the Democrats) to see the ballots arrive,” he warned.

Trump’s comments referred to recent US Supreme Court rulings in two cases allowing the receipt of ballots after election day in some states. The High Court ruled that ballots in North Carolina can arrive up to nine days after election day (November 3) and in Pennsylvania up to three days later.

My answer is that the president is not going to steal this electionsaid Democratic candidate Joe Biden, who was then encouraged by other prominent members of his party, including former candidate Hillary Clinton, not to bow to pressure from Trump.


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