Elections in the United States: Trump rejected the …


President and reelection candidate of the United States, Donald Trump, today rejected the victory of his rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, who was screened by the country’s mainstream media and reiterated that “the election did not end“.

Joe Biden has not been certified as a winner in many states, let alone in many of the more contested countries that will go to mandatory recounts, or in those where our campaign has legitimate and valid legal challenges that could define the final winner, “said president in a statement released by his team.

In the text, Trump reiterated his complaints against election officials in Pennsylvania – a state that gave Biden victory in media projections – for lack of access to the vote, despite the fact that that district’s judiciary has already ruled that no the laws of the electoral process are violated.

From Monday our campaign will start taking our case to court. to ensure that electoral laws are respected and that the legal winner is elected. The American people have the right to fair elections, ”said the president.

Shortly before, Trump had again asked to be “stop the account” in states that will define elections before “tens of thousands of votes received illegally.”

“Tens of thousands of votes were illegally received after 8 p.m. on election day Tuesday, completely and easily altering the results in Pennsylvania and some other states,” the president tweeted.

Trump’s strategy from the first hours after the election is over is to expose fraud and go to court to stop the recount in decisive states.

“Hundreds of thousands of votes have not been illegally allowed to be observed. It would also change the outcome of elections in many states, including Pennsylvania,” the Republican said on his favorite social network.

“Everyone thought it was easily won on election night, only to see that massive advantage disappear,” he said, referring to Biden running in this state by more than 28,600 votes, after having had an initial disadvantage over 600 thousand votes.

Yesterday, a judge rejected a request by the Republican Party to change the vote count in Nevada, a setback on top of those of the ruling party in Georgia and Michigan, while the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected the request to stop counting votes.

Trump was in the White House all day yesterday and from his campaign they made it clear in a statement that they will not recognize the Democratic victory, that “this election is not over yet” and that, at at the end of the recount, the Republican “will be re-elected”.

The president added that his complaints are no longer limited “to a particular election”. “It is about the integrity of the whole electoral process,” he said.


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