Elections in the United States: Trump threatens the judge …


From Washington DC

America finally celebrates election day between uncertainty about the outcome and fear of further disruption. It is the end of a long and intense process that actually began almost four years ago when Donald trump He announced his intention to be re-elected on the same day as he assumed the presidency of the country. This Tuesday the electorate will finish defining whether he supports him for a new term or if the government passes into the hands of the Democratic Party, with Joseph Biden in the head.

Record participation rate expected over some 150 million people surpassing the recent mark of 2008, when 61.6 percent of the population with the right to vote voted. The extension of early voting in some states and the motivational campaigns of both candidates appear to have taken effect.

However, the end of the campaign may not be the end of the electoral process. ANDn the latest acts in key states, Trump has indicated he is ready to begin court filings. “We will go into the night, as soon as the elections are over, we will go with our lawyers,” the president said. The legal route is something the Republican Party already has in mind, a mechanism that goes hand in hand with other recent initiatives such as the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s request to liLimit the date on which ballots can be counted or the Texas date to rule out votes already cast. The Democratic Party is also ready to fight in court.

In this uncertainty this Monday has risen Washington, the city bracing for more riots and clashes, no matter who wins. Saturday and Sunday as well as the first day of the week, traders have bricked the windows of their businesses in the city center and in areas near the White House. Some residential buildings have also made this decision.

A White House official told NBC that a solid security operation is in the works, which includes extending the perimeter of the fences that currently surround the executive office. There will also be 250 National Guard members in the city due to the possibility of the riots worsening.

In the case of the District of Columbia, it’s not just the fact that the White House and the Capitol are located, which makes it a frequent epicenter of marches and protests. This year, the president has decided to stay and wait for the results in this city, in the same way he has led the Republican National Convention from the White House. For it, Trump’s presence in a heavily democratic city that was the scene of police crackdown just months ago has raised alarm bells for local authorities.

Trump to follow tally with his White House team. I had originally planned to do this in Florida. Then, during a party at his brand’s hotel in Washington. With the capital still in phase 2 of reopening and meetings of more than 50 people not being allowed, he had to change his plan. Now, confirmed press secretary Kayleigh McEnany will remain in the White House. US media also reported that there was a party with 400 people in the shots and a speech from the east hall of the building.

The president is expected to spend all day Tuesday in the nation’s capital, after returning from his 10-act marathon tour in the last 48 hours of the campaign. On Monday, he traveled to four states to speak in five cities.

In Pennsylvania, Trump tried to convince the public of his act that a vote for Democrats could lead to making the United States a country with the characteristics of Venezuela and criticized his rivals as “progressive, hypocritical, rich, communist , socialists, globalists ”.

The Democratic Party has also prepared a series of events, with several visits to Pennsylvania and one to Ohio. “My message is simple: the power to change the country is in your hands,” Biden said in Cleveland. In Ohio, one of the country’s classic states, Trump won in the previous election. This year, the opposition candidate hopes to count him among those who give him votes in the electoral college.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania is one of the states that the Biden campaign has given more prominence. “What happens now, what happens tomorrow, is going to determine what this country looks like for a few generations,” said the Beaver County Democratic candidate. He also referred to one of the issues that most interests this state in these elections, energy policy. “No matter how many times Trump tries to lie, I am not going to ban fracking. I never said I would, ”Biden insisted.

The Biden campaign also staged a major drive-in style event in Miami with Luis Fonsi and former President Barack Obama at the helm to motivate the Latino vote in this city so important to the count. Florida.

The strategy of rallying Democratic voters for a big final act in the form of a drive-in was also repeated in the case of the activities of Biden and his vice-candidate Kamala Harris: shows in Pennsylvania with Lady Gaga and John Legend, respectively.

But campaign activities won’t end with Monday night’s events. Biden’s team have announced that they have a final visit scheduled on Election Day. One will be Scranton, the hometown of the Democratic candidate. His wife Jill Biden will go to Florida and North Carolina, while Harris will be in Michigan and her husband Doug Emhoff will play in Ohio. A last-ditch effort to get voters to the polls and secure victory in the states that are currently tied at the polls.

Economy, health and environment

The campaign messages couldn’t be more different. The economy and health are the major issues of concern to the United StatesBut each candidate’s approach, in such a polarized scenario, is totally opposite.

For Trump, the economy is doing well and he is proud of the rapid recovery from the slide caused by the pandemic., although it is still at lower levels than it was at the start of the year.

Rather, Biden questions the current situation, promises to raise taxes on high wages and raise the minimum wage. at $ 15 an hour.

In health, Trump continues to defend his management of the Covid-19 pandemic. US reaches polling day with over 9 million cases and over 230,000 deaths. One of his promises for a second term is to have the vaccine ready before the end of this year (that is, within this administration).

Biden, for his part, has made criticism of crisis management one of the pillars of his campaign.. Among his promises for an eventual government is the mandatory use of masks and listening to what science says.

Other themes that emerged in the campaign were education and the environment. For the first, Trump’s only policy is that of free choice of schools, which allows each family to choose the educational establishment of their preference and not the one that corresponds to their neighborhood.

Biden, on the other hand, defends this system of allocating schools and promises to increase the resources allocated to each institution. It also offers some type of free access to higher education at universities historically attended by members of the black community or other minorities.

Regarding the environment, the opposition is extreme: Trump ignores climate change as an effect caused by humanshands and promises to continue the exploitation of fossil fuels as before, while Biden presented a plan for a transition to a green economy, although it excludes banning practices such as hydraulic fracturing.


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