Elections in the United States: with Biden on the verge of …


From Washington, DC. After a long night with tally updates, the United States has finally had a clearer picture of who is leading the race for the White House. In the early hours of Friday, Democrat Joseph Biden first overtook President Donald Trump in the Georgia state tally and maintained his position throughout the day by adding the votes by mail. He also came in first place in Pennsylvania, the district that could give him the majority needed to win the Electoral College.. In addition, the former vice-president Increased lead to Republican candidate in Nevada. All of this gave him reason to believe that he was very close to winning the election.

Counting the mail-in ballots allowed Biden not only to reverse the first known results in Pennsylvania and Georgia last Tuesday that showed Trump first. They were also of crucial help in increasing Nevada’s lead, while waiting for the outcome of one of the three to be confirmed and give them the victory.

Results in Georgia, however, were heading for a recount, which applicants can claim in the state when they are below 0.5 points. This is the current case of the counting in the southern state, where the difference is a few thousand votes and the ballots that arrived from abroad still have to be counted, especially those of members of the army who found in other countries.

Nevada had already warned that it would not finish updating all of its calculations. A new round of results was slated for Friday night, but most of the remaining ballots will be processed over the weekend. Local election officials stressed that they wanted to know the results, but were more interested in the exact count.

The main hopes of the Biden campaign lay in Pennsylvania. With 20 votes in the electoral college, the home state of the Democratic candidate is the one with the most voters among the states that do not yet have a winner. This would automatically give him the majority he needs to become President of the United States.

With the majority of Philadelphia’s votes counted, Biden’s team were confident of a victory soon. So much so that the candidate himself came to speak during prime time. But with a difference between the two of 0.2 points, this state was also closer to a count than a resolution.

However, Biden’s final declaration as the winner would not imply the end of the novel.

Even though the Democratic Party’s victory is confirmed, Trump has no intention of admitting defeat. “Joe Biden shouldn’t win the presidency. I could do it too. Legal proceedings are only just beginning! The president tweeted.

During his appearance last Thursday, he had already argued that, for him, it will be the judges who will have to rule on this question. On Friday, the Republican Party also prepared to go to the National Supreme Court so that Pennsylvania’s tally does not include the processing of ballots arriving after election day. The State Supreme Court had already authorized to count those who arrive until Friday. Finally, Trump got a temporary small victory: One of the country’s highest court justices ordered Pennsylvania to separate the ballots and passed the demand on to the rest of the Supreme Court.

Biden’s campaign doesn’t seem overly concerned with Trump’s refusal to acknowledge a possible defeat.. “The United States government is perfectly capable of escorting intruders out of the White House,” Andrew Bates, one of the Democratic advisers, said on Friday.

The team closest to Trump is determined to continue the fight for justice and has already started raising funds to meet the expenses the legal battle will entail. “We believe the American people deserve to have full transparency regarding all electoral counts and certifications,” the president said in a short statement released by the Republican campaign.

“From the start we have said that all legal ballots should be counted and all illegal ballots should be rejected, but every moment we have encountered resistance to this basic principle from Democrats,” a- he accused in the same document and argued that he will follow this process “through all aspects of the law”. However, there is still no evidence of the alleged fraud or illegal votes mentioned by Trump.

The Republican campaign has different complaints depending on the situation in the four states led by Biden. In Pennsylvania, he is questioning the ballots that arrive after election day and the access given to his supervisors to monitor the count. In Georgia, he says there were “badly collected” votes. In Nevada, he assures us that there are people who did not vote correctly. Instead, when it comes to Arizona, he’s calling for the votes to be counted faster, given that Trump’s team believes they can still reverse the outcome. “This election is not yet over,” said attorney for the president, Matt Morgan.

According to American media, in the White House, the climate on Friday was tense, divided between those who support Trump’s approach to denounce the fraud and between those who were already beginning to look for a new job outside the administration. This Friday, the first accident was known: one of his advisers in internal policy has already resigned.


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