Elections in the USA: When will the first results be published?


This Tuesday takes place the electoral contest which puts the whole world in suspense. Donald trump Yes Joe biden they compete for the presidency of United States in an election with a record number of early votes. They will also renew their seats in Congress, in the governorates and will seek to approve a series of initiatives at the jurisdictional level, which generates high expectations in the electorate. However, the outcome of the election may not be immediately known.

As officially announced, the coronavirus pandemic has skyrocketed the number of votes by mail. Therefore, if the result is very competitive, it would take days to communicate the result, since an exhaustive enumeration should be carried out.

Although the polls give the Democratic candidate a slight advantage, in some states a very equal result is expected. The situation in Florida, for example, is a technical tie, so it may be necessary to wait until the last vote is considered.

United States Election Results, Minute by Minute

In addition, while some states will only count the ballots they receive until Tuesday inclusive, others will continue to accept envelopes issued no later than November 3 for the next few days, a situation which would contribute to delaying the final count.

According to a count published by the monitoring group American Elections Project, until the last weekend over 82 million people voted in advance, up from a total of 47 million who did so four years ago in the period immediately preceding election day. For this reason, a historic turnout is expected in this year’s presidential elections.

The increase in preliminary attendance reflects, on the one hand, the enormous interest that this electoral process arouses among the population and, on the other hand, the support for the call – especially democratic – to vote by mail for avoid the crowds in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

What is chosen this Tuesday in the United States?

In addition to electing their new president, American voters will decide the makeup of much of the Congress, a dozen governors and a good number of popular initiatives.


– House of Representatives

The 435 seats in the House of Representatives are renewed. Currently, with a 237-197 Democratic majority. Polls indicate a possible extension of control of the progressives. House Speaker MP Nancy Pelosi has already announced that she will seek to stay in charge. Among the rising figures is young Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is expected to keep her seat.

– Senate

In the Senate, the result is more uncertain and will be one of the most important elements of election night. Republicans control the Upper House with a narrow margin: 53-47. On this occasion, 35 of the 100 senators are renewed. Democrats consider it possible to grab the majority, since 23 of those 35 are now in Republicans, and many of them face hard-fought races.

The control of the Senate is fundamental, because it is there that the high functions of the executive and the judges of the Supreme Court are confirmed.


-The governors of 11 of the country’s 50 states are also decided on Tuesday: Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, New Hampshire, West Virginia, Delaware, Indiana, North Dakota, Utah, Vermont and Washington. In the United States, the States have a wide margin of action, the control of the chambers of the governorates is therefore an important lever of power.


– In the elections, a series of popular initiatives are also voted according to each state.

Voters in four states of South Dakota, New Jersey, Arizona and Montana will decide whether or not to legalize the recreational use of marijuana.

In Florida, the gradual increase in the minimum wage from $ 10 an hour in 2021 to $ 15 an hour in 2026 will be voted on.

And in Texas, proposal number 4 seeks to endorse explicit support for the border wall with Mexico: “Texas must support the construction of a physical barrier or wall and the use of existing defense surveillance equipment. along the entire southern border of the state, ”reads the text on the ballot.


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