Elections in Venezuela: great triumph of the Grand Po …


The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, welcomed the participation and victory of the ruling party in the legislative elections. “Congratulations to the Great Patriotic Pole in its perfect union, to all those who, overcoming the difficulties, went to choose their National Assembly“Said the head of state.

He assured that “the constitution and peace have once again won” and reaffirmed that Chavismo knows how to “win and lose, and today it was necessary to win a new National Assembly“. “5 years ago, I recognized the results and the defeat, we thought we were going to build channels of dialogue. Today, 5 years later, I must say that we have a new national assembly and that we have achieved a gigantic electoral victory

Shortly before, the president of the National Electoral Council, Indira Alfonzo, announced that With 82.35% of the votes counted, the ruling party was assured of victory with 67.6%, against 17.95% obtained by the main opposition forces who ran for office.

“Here we are ratified and re-ratified by the love, vote and passion of a people,” Maduro said, referring to the approach he made a few days ago when he indicated that he would step down from the presidency if the opposition won a majority in parliament.

For his part, Juan Guaidó, the self-proclaimed interim president, leader of the opponents who did not stand for the elections this Sunday, reiterated on his Twitter account that the elections were “a fraud” and called for mobilization against Maduro on December 12. .

After the elections, Guaidó’s position is further weakened, since he had been “elected” interim president by the Assembly which ended his term with these elections.

The results

Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) reported that after midnight 5,264,104 votes had been counted, including 3,558,320 for the Grand Pôle Patriotique (GPP).

The alliance led by the traditional Democratic Action (AD) parties and the Independent Committee for Electoral Political Organization (Copei) came in second with 944,665 votes, representing 17.95%.

As detailed by the entity, with 82.35% of the files examined, participation data was 31%.

Chavismo had been celebrating his triumph ever since before the results were announced in his campaign command, while Juan Guaidó reiterated his denunciations on Twitter that this election is a “fraud”.

The opposition which did not appear this Sunday, in response, called for a “consultation” to be held between December 7 and 12 digitally, and the last day in person, to reject the elections, but everyone knows that It is a symbolic initiative since they have no control over the territory.


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