Elections in Venezuela: Opposition said by midday only 7.6% had voted


The National Assembly’s (AN) Fraud Observatory reported that after the first half of polling day, participation in the process considered fraudulent was 7.6%, which reveals that the majority of Venezuelans do not approve of it. Observatory reports indicate that in more than half of the monitored polling centers there was no queue of voters, as reported by the media in Caracas, Talcualdigital.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro ratified his call to participate in legislative elections and stressed that with “the vote, we do justice”. “Today, with the vote, we do justice”, Maduro said when exercising his right to vote

“We congratulate the Venezuelan people, who did not allow themselves to be blackmailed and who are clear that this event is a theater for the regime to try to tell the world that it is a democrat because it is holding elections,” said MP Nora Bracho.

The parliamentarian denounced that 70.2% of polling centers have “red dots” from the PSUV, which contradicts Venezuelan electoral regulations. Likewise, Bracho explained that in 55.9% of polling centers and “red dots” They ask for the national card; in 15.7% of the “red dots”, the distribution of food, CLAP bags and other social benefits was observed; In 53% of polling centers, PSUV members were identified using assisted voting to coerce the voter; and in 69.9%, CLAP box distribution structures were identified, mobilizing and supervising the participation of voters.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro voting in Caracas.  AFP Photo

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro voting in Caracas. AFP Photo

For his part, MP Ivlev Silva warned that 56.3% of polling centers do not comply with basic measures to prevent the spread of covid-19. It was reported that 33% of the military and CNE officials were seen without a mask and without respecting security measures.

Earlier At 10 a.m., when the polling stations had already been open for four hours, the Observatory against fraud was held a 2.7% stake, a figure even lower than that recorded for this hour during the election of the Constituent Assembly, also convened by Chavismo.

“At the moment, the participation is less than 12%. This is what we have so far in this mess, this electoral parapet. Today, in Venezuela, no elections are taking place, ”MP Andrés Velásquez told a press conference.

The members of the Observatory against fraud indicated that together with NGOs and observers, they are preparing a report on the irregularities of the process and the weak national participationl. Likewise, they will make cuts during the day to inform about the unfolding of the electoral farce.

Venezuelan soldiers vote in Caracas.  AFP Photo

Venezuelan soldiers vote in Caracas. AFP Photo

Today Venezuelans said no to fraud and they did not eat the diet history. The lord of the mazo (Diosdado Cabello) as a caveman, offending Venezuelan women and saying that whoever does not vote does not eat, ”Delsa Solórzano added.

The Observatory will continue to report throughout the day the statistics of participation in the elections which take place this # 6Dec to elect the National Assembly, elections which are not recognized by the United States, the European Union and of other countries finding the process to be faulty.

Voting began after 6 a.m. with small queues at some polling centers in the capital as reported The Associated Press, a situation that continued until the afternoon. Local media reported similar situations inside the country.

Without offering participation figures, the president of the National Electoral Council, Indira Alfonzo, estimated to the press that as the day progresses, the influx would be greater. “Historically this is going to give wonderful results.”



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