Elections: the 12 inquiries consulted by the government and the forecast of Durán Barba | Chronic


By Roberto Di Sandro
71 years at Casa Rosada
[email protected]

Official agitation

In Argentina, poverty affects 14 million people. In one year, it went from 25 to 35%. Homelessness, meanwhile, affects nearly 9% and consumption has fallen sharply. There are nearly 400,000 layoffs and after 30 years – maybe a little less – you can not find jobs "The authorities also do not generate measures for people to take care". Indec and other sectors close to power define this. That is, the figures come from the official body which, without any doubt and should be underlined, the government of Mauricio Macri clarified end-to-end eliminating "The lies that he said during the previous government", according to the comments. In such a way that the only truth is reality.

But of course, alongside these painful current and future structures, which only support that inflation tends to be reduced gradually – if nobody consumes it, it happens anywhere in the world – the country's situation at the moment is rather unfortunate.

In the government, when all these documents were put on the table, they stopped adding, subtracting, dividing and multiplying around the polling stations next Sunday devoted to elections. The government was scared "a little" – that's how it qualified – because in PASO, it loses face to the F-F formula, but then, looking at a latest poll provided by Elisa Carrió, the distance in favor of change -argue- "It is enlarged by several organizations".

In the study that they do at Casa Rosada, Olivos and sometimes at the Macri resting place, the figures cover industrial quantities of spaces. In total, twelve organizations have agreed to conduct an investigation to date. Eleven of them, as we know, attribute the victory – sometimes pronounced, sometimes very close – to the formula that presides over Alberto Fernandez and accompanies Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. The rest, for two or three points, gives Macri-triumphantPichetto. For the latter, of a menemist origin, Macri's own supporters do not give him much scope for his party to vote a Peronist vote, but they consider that his lips are useful for clarifying certain valid concepts that allow one to think that the ruling party can add support for "certain" Peronists to badyze under certain circumstances.

However, the main thing is that, missing a week to define who will be the first governor of the country next year, they fear, at the government level, not being able to stop the fall of the industry and stop the rise of the dollar. This is noticed daily in the financial field.

Although they say that no work modification is in the study, the realities break all these versions. Only one fact, very official, shows that the reform fits into Macri's re-election plans and clearly in the context of the loan granted by the International Monetary Fund. The next block records this advance which we will develop below.

Dialogue "Reform"

Friday afternoon, after returning from the campaign for the red lands, the president has hardly changed to receive the special envoy of the Donald Trump, your commercial secretary, Wilbur Ross.

In Olivos and next to Dante Sica -Minister of Production, Labor and we do not know how many additional areas-, have spoken clearly about the labor reform. They indicated that everything was under study, but they gave him the badurance that "It will be done". Then the stranger talked with businessmen and with Sica alone. He left a strong hug from the US president to the head of state, who was once again comforted by the support provided by the controversial leader of the world's most powerful country – will he be the only one? – he will therefore do everything as planned.

For the first time, the word "reform" that the government has been trying to hijack for a long time is officially named after such an important dialogue.

Durán Barba plays it

The one who heard him, for his euphoria and his conviction, considered: "Must have the magic wand". Of course. Jaime Durán Beard It is fully played by Macri's triumph in the elections.

The Ecuadorian, who left Buenos Aires only after PASO, recognized in front of friends in a commercial place that he was going to win the elections. "That's why I play the whole game". The expression was considered acceptable, logical, but left some doubts.

So we start this section of our column on Brief and Tasty. It's full of realities and those that are not, but, as we always say, they record and end up being visible.

Another surprising case: "This government, with the unfortunate management carried out until today, where the lack of sensitivity towards the majority is becoming more public, can it have so much support?". The question is looking for an answer. He has it: "There are some very fat groups who do not want to know anything about Cristina and others, who are so fat, who want to go by Macri". And then the buzzword sounds: "The big crack. The great polarization has become an imponderable number: from 80 to 82% ». There are two sides. It's okay. Nobody wins of course. So, to govern, what will happen? Someone with a weak but clear voice pointed to: "Well, but on everyone's side (Kirchnerism-Peronism), they will always be closer to those who work. And that is what we need today. Point and apart.

A license to express my solidarity with the family of a great Aboriginal music artist who has left us: Rodolfo Zapata. His successes: "I will not work and La Gorda They will never be forgotten.

We continue with a UIA contractor: Teddy Karagozian. Surprised with a: "I'm doing well with the adjustment, but people have a hard time living.". Out of 1,900 people, he stayed with 1,000. He was close to the president when he said it at a meeting of big capitosts. There are things that do not make sense.

Another subject: Armando Cavalieri, the chief of the trade employees, through The magazine communicates, condensed in three sentences the necessary of these times: increase the investment in people; invest in labor institutions; Increase investment in decent and sustainable work. And he clarified strongly: "Our unions are more than ever needed to protect workers." In this regard, many workers have reflected and do so daily: "If there was Juan Perón, creator and creator of organizations and work, why does the current president want to change the laws instead of improving them by dialoguing accordingly?". But there was more with some anger: "When you need it, look for Peronists to win elections". The answer is expected.

Laura's letter

According to serious information, the head of the anti-corruption bureau, Laura Alonso, sent a note to all sectors of the business world that they must strictly adhere to the provisions of corporate criminal law for the crime of corruption.

There the "gray" areas are clarified, precise and very specific, for the understanding of society. The decision was badyzed at one of the last meetings held almost daily by the official with the president.

What happened?

The start of the military civic service, led by the gendarmerie, was badyzed at Casa Rosada to train a large number of young people wishing to register.

In these circumstances, with the presence of the presiding security agencies Patricia Bullrichit was mentioned that many young people believed that they would enter the gendarmerie with salaries and other conditions to perform almost military service. They are informed that income has a fundamental purpose and consists of training them in different tasks through a course of study and prior training in charge of professionals and different sectors of the national administration. Thus, in the beginning, a real legion of young people and teenagers made endless queues at the badigned places. Now the situation has changed. You have to explain things well before jumping into the pool. There must be water before doing it. You do not believe it?

We are in seven days in these same pages and Wednesday in HD Chronicle from 22:30. Good week.


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