Electoral battle in Ecuador: the natives took a public building and the police were expelled with bullets


The indigenous groups managed to take the first public building in Quito this afternoon and the police razed the streets to try to evict them. It is about State controller, the government control agency, located a few meters from the National Assembly.

According to the first information, the building was assaulted by hooded who threw chairs and documents from the offices that were later burned. Then, videos of the event where the facade of the property surrounded by a thick cloud of smoke were uploaded on social networks.

Protesters in front of the state controller (Photo: AFP / RODRIGO BUENDIA).
Protesters in front of the state controller (Photo: AFP / RODRIGO BUENDIA).

Faced with this situation and in the midst of a growing wave of protests that began 11 days ago against the economic reforms decided by his government with the IMF, the President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, ordered "curfew and militarization" from Quito and its surroundings.

The measure "will come into effect" this Saturday from 15:00 local (20H00 GMT). "This will facilitate the execution of the public force against the intolerable excesses of violence," said the president. Twitter.

According to official institutions, the Ecuadorian capital also records several cuts of main access roads and interruption of the water supply.

The riots focused this time around El Arbolito Park, the public space occupied by the thousands of members of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) who arrived in the capital in recent days.

The building was covered with a thick cloud of smoke (Photo: EFE / José Jácome).
The building was covered with a thick cloud of smoke (Photo: EFE / José Jácome).

In the midst of the riots, protesters entered the Ecuadorian television channel Teleamazonas, where they set fire to a vehicle parked inside the property.

As he could see EFEduring the day there was injured again who has joined the more than 850 registered by the mediator since the beginning of the demonstrations on 3 October.

Since then, they have been confirmed at least four dead, according to an official part provided by the Ministry of the Interior. However, the Ombudsman does not agree and the number of deaths rises to five.


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