Electronic Cigarette: Who said it was better?


The first intention was avoid toxic which contains tobacco so in 2003, a Chinese pharmacist invented the electronic cigarette. These devices are made of stainless steel, have a chamber containing a liquid that may or may not contain nicotine at different concentrations – up to 36 milligrams – and are powered by a rechargeable battery.

Its use has been extended to Europe and America and although there are many models, the operation is the same: when inhaling, the liquid is heated and a Steam is produced, which is what the smoker inspires.

The truth is that at the moment of consumption, they present cons badociated with safety, efficiency to contribute to the cessation and interference to control tobacco.

The evidence

According to data from the 4th National Risk Factor Survey (ENFR) conducted in 2018, the prevalence of electronic cigarette consumption in the country was revealed for the first time: 1.1 percent of the population said to consume it, and this percentage only represents in adults over 18 years. Although it is significantly lower than that observed in other countries of the world, it puts us on alert because this device he can not be considered harmless.

In a September 2008 press release, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that it does not consider electronic cigarettes a legitimate treatment for those who are trying to quit smoking.

According to the ANMAT, the aerosols of the electronic cigarette contain toxic and carcinogenic compounds, heavy metals such as chromium, lead and nickel, the latter being upper than those detected in the smoke of conventional cigarettes.

Although many smokers report that they have started using e-cigarettes as an alternative to anti-smoking, to date, there is no scientific evidence its efficiency and safety.

From the start

Nicotine is addictive. Therefore, replace a tobacco cigarette with an electronic cigarette that also contains nicotine. it does not avoid the risks of addiction. In addition, by simulating the act of smoking, the electronic cigarette does not help smokers leave the home. psychological component of tobacco consumption.

The absorption of nicotine by pulmonary route (unlike patches or other nicotine replacement drugs) causes the smoker to rapidly absorb nicotine into the brain with the sensation of pleasure that in follows, similar to that produced by the ordinary cigarette. On the other hand, the cigarette ends after about 10 beeps, while the electronic cigarette can be used to smoke a lot of puffs with the potential risk of nicotine poisoning.

In a September 2008 press release, the World Health Organization (WHO) states that it does not consider e-cigarettes as a legitimate treatment for those trying to quit smoking.

And so?

To stop smoking, one of the most effective methods is to use Nicotine replacement therapy as a step prior to permanent cessation of tobacco. The use of nicotine substitutes in different formats, such as patches or chewing gums double or even triple the success rate of any smoking cessation intervention.

Nicotine Replacement Therapeutic Treatment controls the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, acting directly on the nicotine receptors of the brain and without producing the negative effects of the cigarette or electronic cigarette on the body.

(*) Dr. Guillermo Espinosa is a specialist in family medicine and president of the Argentine Tobacco Association (ASAT).


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