Elements to call the goddess Fortuna | Chronic


For centuries, different civilizations have found luck and protection in certain objects that they have transformed into talismans, amulets or shields. Bringing them together helps to improve environments, concentration, fluidity, creativity … and to attract the little dish!

Beyond superstitions, there are objects that have become fortunate and fortunate, and that are the following:

Smiling Buddha

This figure representing the happy Buddha is a symbol of prosperity, joy and fertility in Chinese Buddhist homes. To attract luck, it must be placed in a prominent place in the dining room, living room or living room.


It is a characteristic figure of the Andean highlands, which collect taxes in Bolivia, Peru, northern Chile and Argentina, as well as in eastern Venezuela, where it is known as from Don Juan del Dinero. According to historians, the legend began in the Tiahuanaco culture, in Bolivia, and after the Spanish conquest, it was adapted by Aymara and Inca. It is badociated with fertility, luck, abundance and joy. He is loaded with backpacks with food and other products, a sandal is missing and offerings are taxed, such as money or a cigarette in his mouth.

Candle holder

The seven-armed candelabra belongs to the Hebrew tradition and is considered an amulet of luck, happiness, balance and protection of the home.


A piece of red coral is a shield that protects babies and adults from the evil eye. Its natural origin also represents the opportunity to change the course of events in life.

elephants In almost everyone, the elephant represents good fortune (especially if it has the trunk above it and is wooden). To attract luck, he is placed facing the inside of the house and must have a ticket. It can also be worn as a pendant.

Fruit fountains

They represent the abundance in a house. Traditionally, the container must be in the form of a clay, glbad or metal container and contain local fruits. It attracts abundance, good fortune and good living.

4-leaf clover

The 4 leaf clover has always been a very popular symbol in the world. Each leaf provides different attributes: the first is love, followed by fame, fortune and the last is health. So having a leaf will attract luck.


At the top or the bottom? At the front door of the house or on a wall? Iron or wood? That is the question of this amulet, which is used to scare the evil eye and attract money.


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