Elisa Carrió: "Do you want to kill me? Kill me and take care of the consequences. I'm ready"


Elisa "Lilita" Carrió was interviewed by Pablo Sirven for LaNacion + and took the opportunity to express herself on various aspects of national politics with the vehemence and tone that characterize her. He said Marcelo D'Alessio seemed "a delusional and extortionist" and that he knew a lot about it because he's "25 years of operations more".

The deputy of the nation of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires has covered some of her experiences in this field. "They created false deposits with Olivera to make me lose the capital, they infiltrated me in the laundry committee, they extorted money from my children, they almost kidnapped them in 1997 I'm used to it, "he admitted.

"I laugh, they will not be able to, I'll double the bet, kill me Hannibal and Etchegaray did not put them in. They do not come and they attack me Do you want to kill me? charge the consequences, I'm ready, "he says.

Asked by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her family, she said that the former president "spent a holiday in Cuba with a firm preventive detention" and pointed out that this country was a place of political asylum. "Poor Florence, because in the end, we feel sorry when the parents' monsters turn their children into criminals … That sounds terrible, but beyond that, it's criminally responsible," he said.

Plan v

Sirven spoke of a possible strategy that the ruling party would use to win the upcoming presidential elections: to run as a candidate for Vidal under the name of Plan V. "The candidate is Macri and we will win." I beat Lavagna with nothing and at that time they were already calling it a turtle, I do not know what they're going to think about right now.There are no investigations at this stage.We have a strategy and I believe that despite all the suffering and all the mistakes, there are things that are corrected, "said Carrió.

Lorenzetti, a golpista

"If Lorenzetti was still president of the court, there was a risk of coup d'etat." "I want that in case of a crisis, the one that arrives at the president does not want to send it back, and l & # 39; Lorenzetti's main goal was to fire Macri, "said Lilita.

Garavano, the lack of intelligence

The MP also spoke about the Minister of Justice, Germán Carlos Garavano. He called him a fool. "This boy has not the slightest idea of ​​the size of the causes he deals with.I do not say that it is bad, but being a fool is also a mistake to be Minister of Justice. Imbecile lack of intelligence according to the RAE, it is not an insult, "she said ironically.


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