Elisa Carrió, explosive: "Guillermo Moreno brought money to the Vatican" and "Pichetto commits a crime" – 03/11/2019


Explosive It was Elisa Carrió during the half-hour reportage to From the Llano (TN) where he talked "Healthy radicals", of the "Vatican currency", the DJAI and Guillermo Moreno, elections in Neuquén, Cristina Kirchner and the claim of immunity to the point of baderting that "Pichetto is committing a crime."

The Senate and the order of immunity of CFK

The leader of the Bloc of Peronist Senators, Miguel Angel Pichetto, Last week, he insisted that the dismissal of former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner did not apply after the Supreme Court rejected the legislature's appeal against detention on remand. orderly for the alleged crimes from the memorandum with Iran. the cause AMIA.

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"As the Court says, here there is no final judgment", expressed Pichetto in statements to the press. According to the senator, "the trial did not take place and the criminal responsibility of the facts was not defined".

In this sense, Elisa Carrió declared Monday night that "corresponds to the deprivation of Cristina Kirchner" since "it is with preventive prison". In this sense, he said: "If he does not, the Senate is complicit: what Pichetto says is committing a crime. "

The Vatican money

"Clean Argentina is not imprisoning 10 officials, it is a mafia structure that crosses the country, not only with drugs, but also with smuggling," said the head of the CC in another part Of the history.

At this point, he talked about the system of DJAI whose acronym stands for Sworn Advanced Import Declarations which governed from 2012 to 2015.

"There was a lot of money leakage because with the DJAI, we were announcing imports that were not coming, they were taking money but the goods were not coming in. The trade was managed by Moreno from where the money that Moreno surely took to the Holy See ", Carrió denounced with reference to the Vatican.


The MP for the Civic Coalition said that the victory of Omar Gutiérrez People's Movement of Neuquén, "it's very good for Cambiemos", while the 26% who got Ramón Rioseco, candidate K, "is the margin of Kirchnerism because there was Cristina (Kirchner) and (Oscar) Parrilli."

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Rupture of Cambiemos in Córdoba

The national deputy, Mario Negri (UCR), and the mayor of Cordoba, Ramón Mestre (UCR), We will be arguing with separate lists outside of the Change Coalition in the May 12 provincial election, after failing the National Change Board's attempts at unity to define the candidate in internal elections next Sunday. .

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Carrió said about this: "Mario (Negri) is a fellow traveler for the republic, it's the best measure and I think we're winning the same thing, I'm sure he'll make an extraordinary choice, he's decisive for republic in Argentina ".

And he went further: he said that for most PRO leaders and "for healthy radicals," the candidate is Negri.

The leader of the civic coalition denounced that "behind all this game to blackmail the president" There is the "Coti" Nosiglia: "They wanted Negri to dominate the radical party and demand seats and offices."


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