Elisa Carrió "justified" with advice in La Plata


Credit: Twitter

After the controversial statements of the member for Cambiemos

Elisa Carrió
He recommended that "the middle and upper clbad give tips," a La Plata waiter came to the junction and accused him of tipping. But history has added another chapter.

This afternoon, the head of the Civic Coalition was in Buenos Aires and she "justified" with what happened. She posted a photo on Twitter at the bar where she left servants over a hundred tips.

At this time, the waiter recalled that Carrio "did not behave very well with the subject of the tip": "At least here, where you work, you leave 10 percent She made a good expense and m & Left five pesos and a few coins, I felt very angry at the time, "said Franco, the waiter who accompanied her, to an FM radio station in the city of La Plata, adding that the account 300 pesos

The deputy, referring to the economic situation of the country, in an interview to Todo Noticias, had asked the middle clbad in an attempt of "joint effort" "to give" advice and changes "and quickly replicas in social networks have multiplied.

With this new photo of Carrió, comments on Twitter came back on

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