Elisa Carrió, lasts with Germán Garavano: "I do not agree with the imbeciles"


The deputy

Elisa Carrió

He gave an interview to the program

Let's talk about something else

which will soon be transmitted by

LN +

. He referred to the judicial situation of

Cristina Kirchner

and his trip to Cuba he also accused the former President of the Court

Ricardo Lorenzetti

to have intended to make a coup d'etat and, finally, he was pithy with the current Minister of Justice,

Germán Garavano

, which he described as "fool".

"Cristina is in Cuba on vacation with a solid preventive detention, the only country in the world where a person sentenced to imprisonment is allowed to go to Cuba – a place of political asylum – because she was swollen, the girl's legs, which I've never seen, "he says,
permission that Judge Claudio Bonadio granted the exmandataria to travel to Cuba for a health problem of her daughter. "Poor

Florence [Kirchner]

because in the end, it does not stop to hurt him when the monsters of the parents transform the children into delinquents, but beyond that, he is criminally responsible, "he added.

Later, when asked about a "V" project for Vidal's possible candidacy for the presidency, Carrió was categorical in his response: "No, no, the candidate is Macri and we are going to win, we all work for that and we have a strategy, I believe that despite all the suffering and the mistakes, there are things that are corrected. "Then, as usual, he criticized and mocked

Roberto Lavagna

: "I laugh because I remember the catch".

He again fired on the former President of the Court, Lorenzetti, accusing him of wanting to make a coup to the Macri government. "If Lorenzetti was still president of the court, there could be a coup d'etat and I worry that in the event of a crisis, what happens to the president [de la Nación] do not want to reject. The main goal of Lorenzetti was to send Macri back, now he can not anymore, "he said.

He was also severe in his statements about the Minister of Justice, Garavano, to whom he remains distant: "I do not deal with fools, I usually keep myself, anyway the House has condemned the former prosecutors in the case AMIA, where he ordered do not blame, this guy does not have a clue of the dimension of the causes that he treats, I do not say that it 's is bad, but being a fool is also a mistake, I say imbecile as the Royal Academy says, that is, a lack of intelligence ".

Finally, he mentioned
The spying that prosecutor Ramos Padilla has shown to prove a phone connection with D'Alessio. "I saw him once in the block and it even seemed delusional to me, I think he's delusional and extortionist, I spent five minutes with him." did not seem credible, I have 25 years of operations on him. " In this sense, Anibal Fernandez and Ricardo Echegaray had to attack it and not their environment: "They want to kill me, kill me and take care of the consequences, I'm ready."

Watch the full interview soon in Let's talk about something else, LN +. The channel is visible in Cablevisión (19 badog and digital, 618 HD and Flow), Telered, DirecTV, TDA, Digital Call Center, Antina and Superchannel.


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