Elisa Carrió recalled the time when they were "partners" with Cristina: "I had problems of identity, but I wanted her for that"


Elisa Carrió

submitted to an intimate hand in hand with Pablo Sirven for

Let's talk about something else

, the program

LN +

. Throughout the interview, the grievor visited different moments of her life and talked about her father, her childhood and politics. Lilita remembers, even when she was working with Cristina Kirchner and launched: "I had problems with identity, but I wanted her for that".

"My father was the most wonderful thing that happened to me in my life"

The member said that the pbadage to the Exaltation of the Cross "saved her life" and that since she was born in the countryside, living there allowed her to relive her childhood. Remembering her childhood, she stated that her older brother was the one who nicknamed her "Lilita" because she could not pronounce "Elisita". And he confessed that at the age of 4, he had been crying for two weeks when he went to the garden.

With a lot of affection, Carrió recalled moments with his father. "It's the most wonderful thing that happened to me in life, because it made our life a feast," he said, adding, "This childhood has allowed me to go through all traumas. " The referent of the Civic Coalition has described him as a man without limits and bohemian. "My father went to buy cigarettes and the return could take two weeks or two months."

He also said that, following his father, they sang with their cousins. "It was a success," he said. And he remembered that the day was full of laughter for the anecdotes starring him. For her, her father "was a very cultured man who was ready to be an heir, but it was a global capitalist failure". In any case, he stressed that he "loved life" and that it was he who had conveyed the concept of "equality": "In this wake were the prostitutes in front of the house , the butcher, the one who would wax the shoes, the governor, the intimate friends of my mother, my mother … "

He also told Raúl Alfonsín: "I met many people in my life but, like your father, I did not know anyone." She considers herself "the rebellious daughter of Alfonsin" and questions the fact that this politician "has a lot of corrupt people around" and that's why she ended up politically distancing herself from him.

"My house was the only house where there was no crack"

According to the MP, his house is the only one where there was no crack. In fact, he stated that a Montonero had been imprisoned for a year and lived in his room. In addition, he recalled that meetings on Peronism had taken place at his home. "There I listened as there were Peronists who betrayed other Peronists."

Carrió also talked about his family. "My children have nothing to do with politics," he said, citing the charges against his eldest son, Enrique Santos: "He was a liar bastard, but thank God, everything is over, its falseness is absolutely proven and we are now going to win millions in a lawsuit. "

Lilita divorced twice and said that, for her, the cigarette is now her husband. "Until I have a husband, I'm not going to stop smoking, that's what's on the other side of the bed and you know how it catches fire. "

On the other hand, he announced that, when he would leave politics, he would create "By Carrio", a company with which he would create clothes "for old hippies". "I've never been a hippie because he did not touch me, but at 70, I'll be a hippie," he joked.

"Macri has delivered his family"

During the interview, the MP also spoke about the political context and defined herself as "a powerful player". She said: "I hate power, I love freedom". Although he warned that he would continue to fight "for humanism", he declared that he would no longer submit to the popular will. "I am a lot more dangerous now," he says.

While he stated that he will accompany

Mauricio Macri

During the presidential election, she declared that she wanted the creation of a STEP. On top of that, he criticized the fact that the president "needs to talk about the soul and let the speeches," but added: "Nobody values ​​what he gave, Macri has given to his family. "

Later, he excluded the possibility of an application for

Maria Eugenia Vidal

and launched: "The candidate is Macri and we will win". At the request of Roberto Lavagna, he laughingly said, "I laugh because I remember socks."

The official also talked about the country's economic situation and noted that "inflation will exist until there is a guarantee of stability" but warned that "as long as Cristina will candidate, fear will exist here or abroad "and, therefore, there will be no investment.

"Cristina had problems with her identity"

Later he talked about

Florencia Kirchner

and his illness. The MP criticized Judge Bonadio's decision to let her go to Cuba. "It is the only country in the world where a person imprisoned in a prison preventive prison is allowed to go to Cuba, which is a place of political asylum,
because her daughter's legs were swollen, "she said.

He added: "Poor Florence [Kirchner] because in the end, it does not stop to hurt him when the monsters of the parents transform the children into delinquents, but beyond that, he is criminally responsible ".

She also spoke about the period when they were "legislative partners" with


. "She had problems with identity, but I wanted her for that, frankly, I think haughty people, who run to everything, have terrible security problems, she was insecure social, she wanted to be a new rich woman, with jewels … ".

Continuing along this path, she said that in the bottom of the former president "hated the Peronist women that I loved because they entertained me, she did not like it. never wanted to be Peronist or say that she had been poor.Carrió said she understood it because "it was a privileged one".

"They want to kill me, kill me and take care of the consequences"

He referred to the hearing made by the prosecutor Ramos Padilla in order to establish a telephone connection with D & # 39; Alessio. "I saw him once in the block and it even seemed delusional to me, I think he's delusional and extortionist, I spent five minutes with him." did not seem credible, I have 25 years of operations on him. "

Carrió said that she was used to operations and that, referring to Anibal Fernandez and Ricardo Echegaray, they should attack it and not their environment: "They want to kill me, kill me and take care of the consequences, I'm ready, I'm going to heaven and they're going to hell safely, so we will not be in another life. "

"If Lorenzetti was still president of the court, there could be a coup d'etat"

He again fired on the former President of the Court, Lorenzetti, accusing him of wanting to make a coup to the Macri government. "If Lorenzetti was still president of the court, there could be a coup d'etat and I worry that in the event of a crisis, what happens to the president [de la Nación] do not want to reject. The main goal of Lorenzetti was to dismiss Macri. He can not do it now, "he said.

"I'm not dealing with fools"

He was also stern in his statements about the Minister of Justice, Garavano, to whom he remains distant: "I do not deal with fools, I usually keep myself in. Whatever the case may be, the Chamber has condemned the ex-prosecutors in the AMIA case, where he does not blame, this guy does not have a clue of the dimension of the causes that he's dealing with, I'm not saying that it's bad, but being a fool is also a mistake, I say fool like the Royal Academy says, that is to say a lack of intelligence ".

"If I wanted to be president, I should cut my hand"

"It's incredible the Argentine nation, everything comes back as if nothing had happened," he said at the request of

Daniel Scioli

ironically, launched: "If I had wanted to be president, I should cut my hand, it's necrophilous money, it's terrible to complain, be sick, this n & # 39; Is not a victim ".

"With Bergoglio, we do not talk about politics"

Carrió said that she had always known that Jorge Mario Bergoglio was going to be


and that he knows their secrets because they have had very spiritual discussions. In any case, she specified that she will not go to the Vatican. "I believe that Christ could not go to the Vatican, he does not strike so much gold with Jesus," he said.


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