Elisa Carrió said that she is praying for Octavio Laje's family: "I know the pain that they are going through"


The member for Cambiemos is a friend of the father of the motorcycle Source: archive

The national deputy, leader of Cambiemos,

Elisa Carrió,

expressed support for the family of
Octavio Laje, son of a diplomat captured with the son of the TV host

Ernestina Pais,

Dante Casermeiro, for badaulting a young woman in Olivos aboard a motorcycle.

"I'm helping the Laje family with prayers and I know how much they are suffering," said the head of the Civic Coalition. As LA NACION was able to confirm, Carrió is a friend of Guillermo Laje, father of the young detainee.

I help the Laje family in their prayers and I know the suffering that they are going through. & – Elisa Lilita Carrió (@elisacarrio)
February 21, 2019

This is not the only link the father of the motorcycle stopped with the policy.
Guillermo Laje is also a cousin of the former government ambbadador of Mauricio Macri in the United States and current national deputy Martin Lousteau. In fact, I worked with him when he was in diplomatic service in Washington.

The youths were arrested this week by police from Buenos Aires in Olivos, after badaulting a 27-year-old girl, 27-year-old Pedro Goyena, at the door of her house. They were kidnapped, replica firearms, knives and hammers.

The victim of the badault was frightened by the threat, under threat of weapons, of the young people who were driving a Suzuki AX100 motorcycle and started screaming for help. A man came to help him. Casermeiro and Laje escaped, although they were stopped a few blocks away by police officers. Laje drove the bike and Casermeiro went off as a companion.


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