Elisa Carrió tried to fuck Garavano and released a new trainee in Cambiemos


The MP told the Minister of Justice with whom he had had a major crossing for the cause of camouflage at the AMIA and arrests of former presidents.

March 19, 2019

The national deputy Elisa Carrió called "fool" the Minister of Justice, Germán Garavano, with whom he had a strong pbad for the arrests of politicians who led him to present a impeachment at the congress. The legislature also accused her of having asked for the acquittal of prosecutors involved in the concealment of the AMIA case.

"I do not have to deal with fools, I usually save myself, but the Chamber sentenced the ex-prosecutors in the AMIA case, where he ordered not to impute. This boy does not have a clue about the size of the causes that he treats. I'm not saying that it's bad, but being a fool is also a mistake. I say imbecile as the Royal Academy says, that is to say a lack of intelligence, "he said. Carrió in La Nación +.

The member referred to Garavano asked for the acquittal of former prosecutors Eamon Mullen and José Barbaccia in the case of the concealment of the AMIA, which eventually ended with the sentence of two years of imprisonment pronounced against the former magistrates. The special investigation unit of the attack against the AMIA, The radical Mario Cimadevilla, He claimed that the government could not charge prosecutors because "they were friends".

To integrate

The legislator had also crossed Garavano after the official said on the radio Destape: "It is never good for a country that a former president is detained or his detention is requested." It all ended with the presentation of the political trial that the MP had instituted against Garavano for "poor performance and ultimate crimes in the performance of their duties".


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