ELN and Maduro regime, advised by China and Russia, had a plan in place in case Trump decides to intervene in Venezuela


File photo.  Rebels from the National Liberation Army (ELN) rest in front of a wooden house in the jungle of the department of Chocó, Colombia, August 31, 2017. REUTERS / Federico Ríos
File photo. Rebels from the National Liberation Army (ELN) rest in front of a wooden house in the jungle of the department of Chocó, Colombia, August 31, 2017. REUTERS / Federico Ríos

Nicolás Maduro came to the presidency of Venezuela in April 2013, since then, and due to the management he developed under his tenure, internationalists have declared this country in one of the most serious humanitarian crises in the history. Given the situation, theories have repeatedly surfaced which, presumably, had the interest of removing Maduro from power. However, almost 8 years later, his power remains largely intact.

This Sunday, the Colombian magazine Semana announced that it had in its possession a confidential security report, and that the Colombian authorities would already know, how the ELN, allegedly supported by the Venezuelan army and by the forces of other countries , was considering stopping a possible American operation, the objective of which was to overthrow Maduro, just when Donald Trump was the president of this country in the north of the American continent.

The “ Emergency plan at the border ”, as it would have been called by its creators, he would be executed if the United States decided to enter Venezuelan territory to overthrow Nicolás Maduro from the leadership of the regime. The idea, according to Semana, and as recorded in the document to which they had access, The aim was to stop a possible attack by the North Americans with the use of weapons and to exert resistance that would prevent the execution of a supposed plan of the Trump administration on the Latin American country.

The “emergency border plan, created by the ELN, would be executed in case the United States decided to enter Venezuelan territory to remove Nicolás Maduro from the presidency.
The “ border contingency plan, created by the ELN, would be executed in case the United States decided to enter Venezuelan territory to remove Nicolás Maduro from the presidency.

The plan was said to have been supported and advised by China, Russia, India, Syria and Turkey, and would endanger the lives of civilians who, unknowingly, are trapped in what is believed to be crossfire between US and Colombian-Venezuelan forces. Assignment particularly experienced by residents close to borders.

The plan would not only be executed in the event of an incursion of North American men into Venezuelan territory, but it would also constitute the alternative in the event of attacks against the main ELN leaders in Colombia, or in the event of possible resistance groups were formed, armed against the regime of Nicolás Maduro which could trigger an internal conflict in Venezuela.

The ELN plan, according to the document, which the Bogota magazine did not give further details of, came about after a message was leaked, written in the notebook of John Bolton, former security adviser to Donald Trump , where it would have been assured that they would be sent 5,000 soldiers to Colombia in order to fulfill the mission of overthrowing Nicolás Maduro and putting an end to his regime which today, according to the OAS (Organization of American States), has more than 5.4 million Venezuelans outside their country.

“If the illegitimate regime (of Nicolás Maduro) persists in Venezuela and the borders are opened in the first quarter of 2021, the number (of Venezuelan migrants and refugees) is very likely to be closer to 7 million than to 6 million. This would officially make more Venezuelan refugees than Syrian refugees “, said the OAS.

The OAS assured that "the number (of Venezuelan migrants and refugees) is very likely to be closer to 7 million than to 6 million.  This would officially make more Venezuelan refugees than Syrian refugees.
The OAS assured that “it is very likely that the number (of Venezuelan migrants and refugees) will be closer to 7 million than to 6 million. This would officially ensure that there are more Venezuelan refugees than there are. Syrian refugees.” REUTERS / Carlos Eduardo Ramirez

The document to which Semana had access and in which the development of the “Border Emergency Plan” was detailed, the ELN would have a strategy to undermine the trails and approach the roads in Colombia and towards Venezuelan territory. Likewise, they would have on their list of terrorist actions to attack the Caño Limón-Coveñas pipeline, to attack airstrips and areas of military concentration which, supposedly, were intended to conduct operations. in Venezuela. On top of that, they planned to respond with damage to energy, communications, fiber optics, roads, and transportation.

The actions would affect Colombia from the inside. The idea was to achieve an articulation of the internal structures of the ELN to carry out terrorist actions in different regions of the country, and for that, they would seek to mobilize small guerrilla groups and thus “They would avoid attracting the attention of the authorities.”

The “border emergency plan” would contain names and surnames: Moisés Bautista Núñez, alias “Jorge” or “Eliodoro”, and alias Antonio García. The first is a member of the National Directorate of the ELN, and who remained in the Eastern War Front, and the second, military leader of the ELN, designer of the plan.

The “elenos” would be joined by a ground device of the Bolivarian army, which in turn would be made up of six brigades, among which would be infantry, Caribbean, armored infantry, engineers and armored cavalry. .

According to Semana, during the events, which did not eventually occur under the Trump administration, “ Jorge ” would have under his command three battalions, which would be located in the border area between Colombia and Venezuela, and which They would be assisted by the Héroes del Catatumbo companies, Captain Francisco Bossio, Cuatro de Septiembre, Simacota, Paula, Ché, Juan Fernando Porras, Luis Enrique León, Reinaldo Ardila Fronts, among others. This is how Semana explained it.

Of the three battalions, two of them bearing the numbers 1 and 2, are said to be on the border of Zulia State, and would be under the command of “Jorge”, and with the support of the aliases “Ronald” and “Wilkin” . The remaining battalion, the 3rd, would be located between the states of Táchira and Apure, on the border with Vichada, Arauca and Casanare, under the command of the aliases “Julian”, “Dumar”, “Copete” and “Emerson”.

The “elenos” would be joined by a ground device of the Bolivarian army, which in turn would be made up of six brigades, among which would be infantry, Caribbean, armored infantry, engineers and armored cavalry. Semana said the operation involved the use of anti-aircraft weapons and would take place as part of the training received by men from the Russian military.

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