Elongated skulls found in Peru: for ufologists, they come from extraterrestrials the chronicle


A Facebook post went viral on networks and in various international media stating that aliens visited Earth thousands of years ago, showing as evidence a series of Elongated Peruvian Skulls, which caught the attention of so-called ufologists.

The discovery of the elongated skulls took place in Peru, as announced in the post published on Facebook and which was subsequently removed from this social network, according to media reports. USA today.

Experts claim that the eye sockets and length of the hundreds of cone-shaped skulls found in the region of Paracas in Peru, in the 1920s by archaeologist Julio Tello, are “test” of its extraterrestrial origin.

The skulls shown in profile.

Since the viral Facebook post, people have been encouraged to watch the video and say “check 100% extraterrestrial orbits”.

In the video, the presenter and specialist of “ufology” he claimed to have found strange and deformed skulls in the mountains of Huancavelica, “which is a small town southeast of Lima.

The analysis carried out by anthropologists on the allegedly “extraterrestrial” skulls

The American professor Melissa S. Murphy, an anthropologist from Peru, assured USA Today that “The orbits are normal and well understood within the range of human variations and resemble the orbits of other human skulls in Peru.”.

The anthropologist also noted that the ancient Peruvians used tight fabric bandages to create an unusual skull shape.

“The pre-Hispanic peoples of the southern coast of Peru and other parts of this country have been involved in this practice for thousands of years.”, therefore the “The deliberate shape of the head is a form of cultural modification of the body that marks different things, such as a person’s identity, a rite of passage or an occupation.”.

De esta manera y por muy emocionante que parezca lo afirmado en la publicación, muchos expertos creen que esos cráneos alargados son humanos y que las antiguas civilizaciones lograron esa particular forma gracias a ataduras en la cabeza que provocaron el crecimiento poco de los huesos Head.


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