Emblematic case of macrismo: on both sides of the …


The former finance secretary of the Cambiemos government, Santiago bausili, and the right hand of the one who drove the vertiginous debt 2015-2019, Luis Caputo, was continued by the judge Sebastián Casanello. He did it because he hired the German Bank as the investment manager of debt securities. Bausili worked and owned shares in this bank even before assuming the civil service.

Casanello clarified that Bausili was an employee of Deutsche from 2007 to 2016. January 31, 2016, during the dissociation received, in installments, a total of 13,025 shares of the entity, with a par value on the New York Stock Exchange of $ 13.80 each, which was paid in September 2018. This share package at this price was added 180 thousand dollarsHe collected money while delivering business to his former employer, but to the entity of which he also became a shareholder. He sold the shares in the market as he received them, as he confessed to the judge, acknowledging that during this period he also received dividends for those shares.

Bausili was charged with the alleged commission of offense of “negotiations incompatible with the exercise of the public function”. Casanello has locked a embargo for 10 million pesos (approximately 106 thousand dollars, at the official exchange rate), an amount that Bausili will surely not change its heritage status.

On December 9, a remote hearing was held, and despite Bausili alleging that his interventions were insignificant, the judge concluded on the basis of the accumulated evidence that “Bausili’s detachment of high standards of ethics and transparency that his role demanded of him “.

The ruling stated that “ the defendant in his defense said his interventions were always insignificant, but the truth is that they were not only intergovernmental communications, which he was also prohibited from making, but here he directly agreed so that, among other things, el Deutsche Bank, an entity from which he had shares and others to receive, has been designated as an investment bank and therefore receives 0.12% to 0.18% of the amount invested, $ 7 billion“.

This obscene conflict of interest it was detailed on page / 12, in August of last year. Santiago Bausili was first undersecretary of finance, then secretary of finance. the lack of debt control of this management is shown in the following figure: from April 2016 to January 2018, with Caputo, issued bonds abroad for $ 43.687 million. This placement was made by a group of banks and international investment funds with which both had close personal and professional ties.

Bausili is an emblematic case of open conflict of interest and opaque financial transactions with him landing in the State during the macrismo of a group of executives of the system linked to international finance.

The start of the investigation was a report from Anti-corruption office presented in court in the case “Singer Paul et al on Submissive Treason et al.” Bausili had to refrain from meeting with executives of Deutsche Bank, which was one of the entities designated as the debt placement agent. An investigation has proven his relationship with Deutsche before, during and after the bond issue. He was therefore denounced for having continued to receive “emoluments” from Deutsche.

The financier turned civil servant had managed affairs “extremely sensitive to the interests of the Nation, extremely costly for the public funds and very important for the confidence in the institutions”. The OA survey by Felix Crous detailed that the presidential decree designates Bausili while he was still executive of Deutsche. He alleged the relationship ended informally because he took a vacation before the executive order appointing him.

Casanello said Bausili “could not intervene in any matter related or related to his former employer until September 2021”. He should have refrained from meeting Deutsche. But he did so five times, as recorded on each of the dates of these meetings, between April 2016 and August 2017. In addition, there are emails from Bausili with Deutsche Bank in the file providing information (contacts and accounts bank) of various bondholders of the agreement with the vultures. The judge ruled: “In other words, all actions carried out by the nominee, during this period, were prohibited by law“.


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