Emergency meeting between Russia and the United States for Venezuela | Chronic


The US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeoand the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrovwill meet at the beginning of next week in Finland to talk about Venezuela, after days of accusations crossed by the political crisis that the country is going through.

The US State Department has confirmed that the two foreign officials will be speaking alone at the ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council, which will be held Monday and Tuesday in Rovaniemi (Finland).

"We expect him and the secretary of state (Lavrov) to have the opportunity to speak, I think Venezuela will be part of this conversation", in which they should also talk about Ukraine, explained the manager at EFE, who requested anonymity.

I also read: The temperature rises between the United States and Rusial for Venezuela

Pompeo and Lavrov spoke Wednesday by phone, escalating tensions, by the statement of the Secretary of State that the President of Venezuela, Nicolás MaduroHe was ready to leave the country on Tuesday, but Russia convinced him to stay.

In this communication, Pompeo emphasized to Lavrov that "The intervention of Russia and Cuba is destabilizing for Venezuela and for bilateral relations between the United States and Russia", to which the Russian minister responded by warning Washington to end its "aggressive moves" to Venezuela.

Lavrov denied Thursday that Maduro is willing to leave Venezuela on Wednesday, and said that although he is addressing Pompeo, he believes it will be very difficult. "approach positions" about Venezuela.

The visit of Pompeo to Finland will be part of a European tour also including stops in Germany, the United Kingdom and Greenland (Denmark).


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