Emma Coronel has seen her accounts frozen in Mexico since 2015, a month after “Chapo” escaped


On social media, he boasted of a rich life, even in luxurious hues (Photo: EFE / EPA / JOHN TAGGART)
On social media, he boasted of a rich life, even in luxurious hues (Photo: EFE / EPA / JOHN TAGGART)

The Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) has frozen Emma Coronel’s accounts since August 2015, according to a request from the then Attorney General’s office (PGR) and the current prosecution; in the actions performed a month after the leak of the Altiplano prison Joaquín Guzmán Loera, El Chapo.

Santiago nieto, head of the FIU, assured that Coronel Aispuro has not recorded any transactions in the Mexican financial system for the past five years. But He was linked to the 330 individuals and entities linked to the Sinaloa cartel, who were they accounts frozen on November 11, 2019.

“In the specific case of Emma Coronel there is a requirement in 2015 by the then PGR; in 2017 a complaint was lodged ”, indicated the person in charge of the FIU interviewed in the presentation of the Guide for the prevention of operations with resources of illicit origin during electoral processes.

Santiago Nieto said Coronel Aispuro's accounts have been frozen since 2015 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Santiago Nieto said Coronel Aispuro’s accounts have been frozen since 2015 (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Infobae Mexico was able to verify that the date of the blockade of Chapo was the 25 August 2015, that is, a month after the capo escaped from the Altiplano prison, in the state of Mexico, through a tunnel.

Guzman Loera he escaped on July 11 of the same year, presumably, with the help of his children, Emma Coronel and his companion, Dámaso López Núñez, Diploma, according to US authorities. He was captured for the third time in January 2016 and extradited to the United States a year later, where he was ultimately sentenced to life imprisonment in the so-called ‘trial of the century’.

The head of the FIU stressed that nine complaints against the Sinaloa cartel, for at least two years.

“In 2019, just like knowledge, nine complaints were filed against the Sinaloa cartel and there was a blockade agreement that incorporated 330 people linked to the Sinaloa cartel, in particular related natural and legal persons also with Mrs. Coronel“.

It should be noted that due to his blocking since 2015, he no longer had any transactions in the financial system.», Said Santiago Nieto.

The former beauty queen is accused of conspiring in drug shipments to the United States (Photo: Illustration / Infobae)
The former beauty queen is accused of conspiring in drug shipments to the United States (Photo: Illustration / Infobae)

It should be noted that the The United States Treasury Office has no records of the account freezing or asset forfeiture against Emma Coronel Aispuro. On the other hand, there is a designation by the Office of Foreign Assets Control against his father, Inés Coronel Barreras.

It was January 1, 2013, when Americans were prohibited from carrying out financial or business transactions with the father-in-law of the Chapo, in addition to the Diploma, designated principal lieutenant of his compadre.

Now it is known, The PGR then led by Arely Gómez took up to a month and a half to attack a financial advance from the chief, one that his wife could exploit. More than enough time to withdraw assets or any other banking move after the leak.

In social networks, Emma Coronel has displayed various luxuriesExpensive birthday parties for her daughters, designer clothes and high-end sports cars, as well as vacations to the United States. She stated that its legal activity was irrigated land, whose income does not give more details.

Arely Gómez González, was Attorney General in Enrique Peña Nieto's government when Chapo escaped (Photo: Twitter @ArelyGomezGlz)
Arely Gómez González, was Attorney General in Enrique Peña Nieto’s government when Chapo escaped (Photo: Twitter @ArelyGomezGlz)

They also highlight their work forays into modeling, as well as its appearance in a reality show in 2019 which concerned relatives of drug traffickers. On the other hand, the same year, she made it public that she was preparing a clothing line with the name of her husband, a project that was no longer known.

Colonel Aispuro She was arrested at Washington Dulles International Airport on February 22, recently., and filed in District of Columbia court a day later, where it was determined that was still in preventive detention. During the appearance, he assured that he understood the charges, which carry a sentence of at least 10 years and up to life imprisonment. We do not know if the Chapo He has already been informed of the arrest after two days.

According to the prosecution of the case 1: 21-mj-00240, Emma Coronel was a messenger for Guzmán Loera and conspired to ship narcotics to the United States, both actions, between 2012 and 2017. In addition to planning her husband’s escape in 2015, in direct accusations from the godfather of one of her twins: Dámaso López Núñez .


“Chapo” daughter spoke out after Emma Coronel’s arrest: “They accused me of money laundering”
Who sank Emma Coronel: all signs point to the “Licenciado”, her own compadre
From “Chapo” Guzmán’s Wife to Influencer: Emma Coronel’s Luxurious Life on Instagram

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