Emmanuel Macron cuts taxes and increases pensions to calm "yellow vests" – 25/04/2019


One D-day for the five-year term of the head of the French state. After the fire of Notre-Dame Cathedral having spoiled the day of his fundamental announcements, Emmanuel Macron buried his speech and chose what he had never done before: explain his plans at the first press conference of his mandate at Eliseo Palace, to recover a disappointed public opinion and Yellow Vests waiting for an answer, after five months of demonstrations that burned Paris.

Clarin Bulletins

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

For two and a half hours of press conference, Emmanuel Macron lamented "very deeply" his "little sentences", who made him an arrogant president, announced a "new method of government" with "the man and more humanity" at the heart of his project and acknowledged that "directing a democracy, c & # 39; is accepting not to be popular ".

He proposed a debate on migration policy, "refound the Schengen space" within the European Union and strengthen its borders, in a speech that did not excite the French opposition . And he said that he did not care about the next election.

Replica Emmanuel Macron answers one of the questions asked to the journalists of the Palacio del Eliseo (AP).

Replica Emmanuel Macron answers one of the questions asked to the journalists of the Palacio del Eliseo (AP).

Yellow vests will not be satisfied with your proposal. "Today, the order must recover," he said. He recognized "an unprecedented movement" that expressed "his anger, his agitation, his impatience to change things more quickly." But this movement has been transformed and has been recovered by the movements of society. Public order must come first, but I do not want the excesses of some to hide the just claims made at the origin of this movement, "said the president.

The answers to the questions on the jackets were not precise, but this responsibility rested with the government, its Prime Minister, Edoaurd Philippe, to apply his ideas. Pensions less than 2,000 euros will be indexed, there will be no pension lower than 1,000 euros and will be based Commuter Houses, where people can come together to discuss the problems and needs of their daily lives, when proximity policy reform is launched as well as a new policy of decentralization.

Attention Emmanuel Macron salutes his ministers at the end of his meeting with the press to discuss the requirements of yellow vests (Reuters).

Attention Emmanuel Macron salutes his ministers at the end of his meeting with the press to discuss the requirements of yellow vests (Reuters).

In a renovated reception room, which has been recycled and switched from red to gray, Macron has confronted the 230 French and foreign journalists, seated, surrounded by French and European flags, to respond to what he has said. had not done yet. An audience with whom he does not feel comfortable or had a fluid relationship up to now.

With a blue suit, tense at first and more relaxed over the hours, Macron was introduced as convinced of his project. It has not made spectacular announcements nor marked a new path, but a reform of the institutions and a constitutional reform. Most importantly, he has developed a new way of governing, closer to people.

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Macron's "mea culpa" is based on his Great Debate, with which he traveled the country in the midst of the Yellow Vests crisis, more than the critics of the press, the demands of the mobilized or their loss of popularity. His ads were "flu," without much detail, diluted in a generalist oratory, with more questions than answers from a teacher in a masterclbad.

After touring the country, the president acknowledged "a deep sense of abandonment. A deep sense of fiscal, territorial and social injustice. We must give an answer to this feeling. I felt a lack of consideration of citizens, who do not feel respected, a lack of confidence in the elites. It is very difficult to build something when trust is not restored, "he said.

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Yellow vests demand concrete answers. For them, the Economic, Social and Environmental Council for an ecological transition without the middle clbad as a direct victim. The president does not want to change the retirement age of 62 or change the 35 hours of weekly work for the French. But hospitals and schools can not be closed without the approval of the mayors of these places. In a country with the highest taxes in Europe, Macron has announced a reduction in income tax of some € 5,000 million, without specifying who would be the beneficiaries or their margins, while reducing public spending . Schools and their clbades will have a human dimension: there will be no more than 24 students per clbad.

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A new big disappointment. This is the immediate reaction of the opposition and yellow vests to a president who does not fear being re-elected. "Macron does not listen to what we say on the street after five months," said Maxime Nicolle, one of his main characters.


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