Emotional and last goodbye to Gneiting in Congress, the ANR and its inhabitants


Legislators reminded the former minister as a great politician and a "Chancellor" of the Colorado party in turbulent times. In the ANR, they emphasized their spirit of service as well as their "gift of people". In Carmen del Paraná, there were sincere signs of pain for this unexpected and tragic departure.

Very moving moments were experienced yesterday at the National Congress and at the Colorado Party, in the capital of the country, and at Carmen del Paraná, Itapúa, in the tribute and goodbye ceremonies to Luis Gneiting, who in Life was Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Governor of Itapúa, MP, Section President and Colorado candidate for the Vice President of the Republic.

By his way of being, race politician and even conciliatory in the most difficult moments, Gneiting has earned the respect and affection of all without distinction, a fact that was very notorious in recent years. hours and especially yesterday by the samples of the pain of the authorities of the Executive Power, the Legislative Power, the politicians of several parties and supporters who respond to various civil organizations.

Liliana Benítez, wife of the former governor of Itapúa, attended tribute and farewell events at the National Congress, at the Colorado Party Headquarters (25 de Mayo Street) and in Carmen del Paraná. In this city, where it was born, the famous Colorado politician will be buried. The ceremony is scheduled for 10:00

At the time of the plane crash, on Wednesday 25 last night, in Ayolas, Misiones, Gneiting served as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. Breeding of the government of Horacio Cartes. In fact, Gneiting became a close badociate and a trusted man of the head of state, who became Colorado's candidate for Colorado's vice president of the Republic in the latest inmates as a candidate Vice President of Santiago Peña.

Since the disappearance of the aircraft, Maps has closely followed the operations of rapid search of the aircraft and eventual rescue of survivors. In the last hours, the President accompanied the family's grief and participated in the farewell tribute to the late leader of the Colorado Party and moved to Carmen del Paraná to share the pain with a people who Saw it grow politically. [19659007PresidentHoracioCartessisjoinedtothepainter'spenandadmirersoftheformerministerLuisGneitingPHOTO:CHRISTIANMEZA"height="4003636363636363"width="600"clbad="image-lazy”/>

President Horacio Cartes added to the grief of parents and admirers of former Minister Luis Gneiting PHOTO: CHRISTIAN MEZA

In the morning, Senators and MPs paid tribute to the late Minister of Agriculture with moving messages of recognition for his work as a politician and civil servant. The caravan arrived shortly after 8:00 am and was received by legislators and presidents of both houses of Congress, Silvio Ovelar (Senate) and Miguel Cuevas (MPs). The coffin entered the bicameral hall, where honors were held to which was also a deputy in the period 2008-2013.

The Senate Speaker began homage in the legislature and said that Gneiting was a great articulator and chancellor in the last national elections on April 22. "He has always acted with greatness in the most difficult times, during the great turbulence at the National Congress, and in his public life has been an example of generosity and service," said Ovelar.

For his part, Cuevas He argued that "the flag of Bernardino Caballero cried and that one of his most prominent men sealed a pact with eternity; A brother, a son a great father, a husband, a friend and a great Colorado politician who, first and foremost, loved his country, left. "

Colorado Senator Juan Darío Monges, leader of the Honoring Colorado in the Upper House, said in a brief speech that officials and authorities should be inspired by him. "He will always remain as a politician in politics, who embraces politics to serve and not to use them," said the senator.

The Colorado bench leader, MP Basilio Núñez, recalled that Luis Gneiting was a leading proponent of the decentralization of institutions and, in that sense, cited the royalties and the Fonacid. "With a group of councilors and mayors, he prepared the project," he said. On the other hand, he recalled that in recent days he was calling to visit each department. "He is a true patriot."

  Silvio Ovelar and Miguel Cuevas. "Height =" 373.0909090909091 "width =" 600 "clbad =" lazy image

Silvio Ovelar and Miguel Cuevas

On behalf of Colorado caucus Añetete de la Cámara Baja, led by legislator Jazmín Narváez, issued an official statement. "With great regret, we recognize that the Patria and the Republican National Association, Colorado Party, has lost one of its best men, with a great career and a strong party militancy," says the document .

Similarly, the leader of the caucus Senator Enrique Bacchetta, of Colorado Añetete, said that he had done a lot for the party, his country and his department. "This is a person who has done a lot for the game and who has had too many dreams, and above all his character, respectful, his character as Chancellor, in the most difficult moments of our campaign, Gneiting was always trying to solve Disagreements".


Luis Liceras recalled Gneiting as a full-fledged panelist, but also as a great technician who fulfilled his duties wherever he went. On the other hand, the Director General of the Cabinet, Richard Gómez, on behalf of all the deputies' officials, thanked the late Minister and delivered the drafts. during his legislative career in the Chamber of Deputies with Mrs. Liliana Benítez de Gneiting.


  PHOTO: TOMAS BOGADO "height =" 399.27272727272725 "width =" 600 "clbad =" lazy picture


Friends , parents, co-religionists and acquaintances of Luis Gneiting, former Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), who lost his life last Wednesday night while the plane crashed down Ayolas in Asunción with three other crew members, arrived yesterday at the sports center of the city of Carmen del Paraná, Itapúa department, to give the last goodbye to the politician .

The Paraguayan Air Force aircraft carrying the remains of the former minister landed yesterday at noon at Encarnación airport. At this place, the coffin was received by the President of the Republic, Horacio Cartes; former presidential candidate Santiago Peña, the current governor of Itapúa, Federico Vergara; the director of Yacyretá, Ángel María Recalde; his brother Germán, mayor of Carmen del Paraná, and other authorities of the region, as well as officials from neighboring governorates and municipalities. The body was then transferred to the ground at the burial site, accompanied by the army and the police.

Arriving at the sports center, Vergara asked for the microphone and gave a speech in the honor of the person who was a national deputy for Itapúa, governor, candidate for the vice presidency of the Republic and minister these last months. He remembered it with the others present as a very respectable and beloved person. The place was filled with people arriving there with heartfelt signs of pain for this unexpected and tragic departure.

In the ANR, they rendered a moving tribute

  The red leadership also paid tribute to the political leader. 19659032] Colorado leaders also pay tribute to the political leader PHOTO: CHRISTIAN MEZA

Colorado leaders also paid tribute to the political leader PHOTO: CHRISTIAN MEZA

The Colorados have dismissed the one who was minister from the MAG "

After the posthumous tribute paid to the late Minister of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), Luis Gneiting, at the National Congress, the remains were brought to the Government Council . of the National Republican Association (ANR), where their political life and their work colleagues said goodbye by highlighting their role as people and workers within their different

On this occasion, the outgoing president of the Republic, Horacio Cartes, led the delegation with the wife of the former governor of Itapúa, Liliana Benítez. The procession was also composed of the governmental authorities.

At the religious ceremony in honor of the former vice-president candidate for the Honor Colorado Movement, ANR President Darío Filártiga pointed out that Gneiting was one of the most outstanding . contemporary leaders of the party. In addition, he emphasized his work, his spirit of service, as well as his "gift of people".

"With the dear Luis disappears a leader born of the coloradismo of Itapúa and all the Republic, a person who with his work, his treatment, his spirit of service, his intelligence and his role of people has earned the respect and sincerity of those who have had the chance to meet him in the struggles for our beliefs and for all Paraguayan citizenship, "he said, at the end of the Minister's wake Public Works and Communications (MOPC), Ramón Jiménez Gaona tragic departure of his colleague and stressed that in life has been an excellent minister. "We are losing an extraordinary politician, a person who has always fought for interests of his department, it was a privilege to have him in the last days as a minister, "he said

Carmen del Paraná, from the department of Itapúa, where today she will be buried in the cemetery of this local it

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