Enamorado revolvió "popo" to recover his alliance | Chronic


L & # 39; Australian Eammon Ashton-Atkinson, A 32-year-old television reporter for 10 News First in Network 10, was forced to search a sewer by hand to retrieve the lost alliance in London's sewers. To accomplish this task, he relied on the collaboration of local firefighters.

The young man was dining with a friend from the Clapham neighborhood when he lost his wedding ring.

The reporter agitated the sewage (Gentleness Eammon Ashton-Atkinson).

Eammon, who married software engineer John Ashton, 28 in May 2018, had tried to catch it with a crowbar before appealing to the local council, which said it could not send anyone until the next day.

However, fearing that the ring would disappear, he made the decision to seek a helping hand from the city's firefighters. "And what do you know, they said they would help," the reporter recalled.

Finally, he picked up the ring in front of the whole restaurant. "I started sneaking into the best mud of Clapham, it was disgusting" He explained and said that "the smell was horrible"

The young man finally managed to save the ring (Gentleness Eammon Ashton-Atkinson).

"I felt bad for the people who are near us trying to eat their dinner, " a point.

Remembering that night, the young man says: "I took off my wedding ring to play with him, which is a bad habit."

"At first I thought it was in the mud, but then, when we tried to pull it off with a hook, I realized that there was water in below and that she would have fallen directly to the bottom. " Fortunately, there was no rain, so I rushed to the hardware levers to try to open the blanket, but it did not come out ", concluded.

He relied on local firefighters (Gentleness Eammon Ashton-Atkinson).


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