End of Netanyahu era: opposition seals deal to form government


JERUSALEM.- The leaders of the conservative Yamina movement and the center Yesh Atid party, Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, reached an agreement to defend a grand coalition of parties which, if they achieved their virtual majority in parliament, would mean the departure from power of the Israeli. Prime Minister., Benjamin Netanyahu.

Bennett and Lapid’s coalition encompasses right-wing parties (the Yamina movement, Yisrael Beytenu and Nueva Esperanza), center (Yesh Atid, Blue and White coalition) and left (Work, Meretz), with the indirect support of the Arab Islamist party Raam, in a unity government that would pull Israel out of two years of political chaos, lead the country’s recovery from the coronavirus and heal social divisions in a deeply divided nation.

“I will do everything possible to form a unity government with my friend Yair Lapid” to end Netanyahu’s reign, the longest in the history of the State of Israel, Bennett said, after meeting his gone, Yamina. Centrist Lapid has been tasked with forming a new cabinet within a deadline that expires at midnight Wednesday.

Minutes later, Netanyahu stated that an opposition coalition would be a “Safety hazard” From Israel.

This so-called “change bloc”, with six of Yamina’s seven seats, has 57 MPs who, added to Raam’s tacit support, would win a majority of 61 seats in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, which would allow the formation of Israelis. ‘a government.

According to Israel’s Channel 12 TV and Kan News, Bennett decided to join Lapid in forming a joint mandate whereby the far-right leader would serve as prime minister until September 2023, to be immediately replaced by Lapid. who will take office until November. from 2025.

The announcement could take place that same Sunday evening, according to these media, and could visit the country’s president, Reuven Rivlin, tomorrow to inform him of the success of the talks. If they fail, Lapid’s term will expire in four days, after which the country will be forced, amid popular fatigue, to its fifth election in two years.

The deal between Yamina and Yesh Atid was reached on May 10, just before the latest spiral of violence between the IDF and Palestinian militias. In the midst of the conflict, Bennett announced the breakdown of negotiations, but after the May 22 ceasefire agreement, Bennett and Lapid resumed the pact.

Likud, Netanyahu’s Likud party, issued a harsh statement after hearing the news accusing Bennett of avoiding the fifth election as an “excuse” for coming to power at any cost. “Bennett is well aware that every time he joined the right, a right-wing government would be formed,” says conservative Likud.

“The only consistent thing about Bennett is that he deceives his constituents and the rest of the right-wing voters, and throws in the trash the ‘principles’ he spoke of, all to be prime minister at all costs,” concludes Note. .

Netanyahu made a final attempt to reach a deal between Likud and other right-wing parties on Sunday. The proposal included Netanyahu himself to be the second of three rotating prime ministers with New Hope leader Gideon Saar as prime minister and with Bennett as third.

The Saar rejected the proposal. “Our position and our commitment have not changed: to end the Netanyahu government,” he noted on Twitter. Bennett has not yet responded to this proposal.

DPA, AFP and ANSA agencies


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