End of roaming: when it comes into effect and how it is activated


At the Mercosur Heads of State Summit, this was confirmed as he had moved forward TN Tecno, a measure expected for mobile phone users traveling in the region: the end of the service homelessness in the countries that make up the bloc.

For example, an Argentine tourist traveling to Brazil, for example, will not need to subscribe to this coverage with his or her telephone company. use outside of Argentina will not have any additional cost.

This type of agreement is already in force in the European Union where, according to official data, one year after its implementation, data roaming consumption has increased by more than 1300% and has generated benefits for businesses and users.

This provision will apply in the event that the user establishes or receives voice communications, messaging (SMS) or access to data services (Internet access) while roaming internationally in the territory of the country. 39, another member country of Mercosur.

The more than 15 companies operating the mobile service must generate commercial agreements to respect the local prices of each user traveling in the countries of the bloc.

When is the end of roaming?

The measure will last indefinitely and come into force 30 days after the rectification of the agreement, which will be carried out, in the case of Argentina, by its approval at the National Congress. It must be approved by the parliaments of the four nations before being implemented.

The agreement will come into force when at least two of the countries concerned have ratified (in which case the agreement would enter into force bilaterally) and the rest of the parties would join.

We think that will begin operations in early 2020 and will benefit more than 185 million users from all over the region. Activate it will be the simplest: it will work automatically.


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